Negro, Black, African American, Afro-Caribbean and Black American are all used to describe blacks in English, but their status and meaning are completely different.
The British Broadcasting Corporation, abbreviated as BBC. It is the largest news broadcasting company in Britain and one of the largest news broadcasting companies in the world. Founded in 1922 and headquartered in London, England. 1936, BBC began to provide TV service, becoming the first TV station in the world.
Bbcibci(BBC Interactive) includes all BBC interactive services, including digital TV and Internet. The BBCi network service (formerly known as BBC Online) contains news and program files. Many BBC programs can be found on the BBC website, and users can download, watch and listen to them for free. BBCi is one of the most visited English websites.
In terms of digital TV, BBCi has given up CEEFAX service. BBCi can display full-color photos and movies, and allow users to interact with programs, such as the broadcast of highly interactive Premier League and rugby matches.