Einstein was born in (Ulm, Germany, March 14, 1879) and later became a (American) citizen. He is a world-famous (theoretical physicist). He established (Special Theory of Relativity), and on this basis he extended it to (General Theory of Relativity).
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
The greatest physicist of the 20th century. Einstein was born in a Jewish family in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879. Under the influence of his uncle, an engineer, he was enlightened in natural science and philosophy from an early age. In 1896, Einstein entered the Normal Department of the Technical University of Zurich to study physics. He obtained Swiss citizenship in 1901 and was hired by the Swiss Patent Office in Bern as a technician the following year to engage in technical appraisal of invention patent applications. He used his spare time to conduct scientific research and achieved a historic achievement in 1905. In 1909, Einstein left the Swiss Patent Office and became an associate professor of theoretical physics at the University of Zurich. In 1912, he became a professor at his alma mater, the Technical University of Zurich. In 1914, he returned to Germany and became the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics and a professor at the University of Berlin. After the establishment of the fascist regime, Einstein was persecuted and forced to leave Germany. In 1933, he moved to the United States and served as a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton until his retirement in 1945.
Einstein is one of the most creative and intelligent figures in human history. He pioneered four areas of physics during his lifetime: special relativity, general relativity, cosmology and unified field theory. He is one of the main founders of quantum theory and has also made significant contributions to molecular kinetic theory and quantum statistical theory.
Einstein published the paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" in 1905, proposing the principle of special relativity and the principle of constant speed of light, and established the special theory of relativity. Based on this, he further derived the mass-energy formula E=mc2, which states that mass and energy are equivalent. The special theory of relativity reveals the unity of space and time as the existence form of matter, the unity of mechanical motion and electromagnetic kinematics, further reveals the unity of matter and motion, and lays a theoretical foundation for the utilization of atomic energy.
In 1915, Einstein created the general theory of relativity, which further revealed the relationship between four-dimensional space, time and matter. According to the gravity theory of general relativity, he inferred that light in a gravitational field does not propagate along a straight line but along a curve. In 1919, this prediction was confirmed when British astronomers observed a solar eclipse. In 1938, Einstein made significant progress in the motion problem of general relativity. He derived the object motion equation from the field equations, which further revealed the unity of space-time, matter, motion and gravity.
Einstein made great contributions to quantum theory. In 1905, he proposed the hypothesis that the distribution of energy in space is not continuous. He believed that energy at the speed of light has quantum properties in the process of propagation, absorption and generation, and successfully revealed the photoelectric effect. This is the first time in history that the unity of the wave nature and particle nature of radiation has been revealed in the process of human understanding of nature. In 1916, Einstein proposed the theory of stimulated emission in his paper on the quantum theory of radiation, which laid the theoretical foundation for today's laser technology.
After general relativity, Einstein explored the universe and the unified field theory of gravity and electromagnetism. In order to prove the stationary distribution of celestial bodies in space, a finite and boundless stationary universe model was proposed based on the gravitational field. This model is unstable. The galactic separation motion can be predicted from the gravitational field equation, and this galaxy separation motion was later observed in astronomy.
Einstein loved music and believed that his achievements in playing the violin were superior to his achievements in physics. Einstein passed away in Princeton on April 18, 1955. In respect of his will, no monument was erected, no activities were held, and his ashes were scattered in a place that will always be kept secret.