Start-Run (enter gpedit.msc)- Confirm or start this set of policy editors;
2. Open this Group Policy Editor window to find: User Configuration-Management Template;
3. Management template display project search: system parallel display;
4. System development: driver installation left key: driver installation;
5. When installing the driver, look in the window on the right: code signing of the device driver double-click with the left key: code signing of the device driver;
6. Select the device driver code signing window: Enable the drop-down box of options: Warning, Blocking and Ignore for selection.
Warning: Notify users of files without digital signature, and let users decide to stop and continue the installation, and whether to allow the installation of files without digital signature.
Block: instructs the system to refuse to install files that are not digitally signed.
Ignore: Command the system to continue the installation (including installing files that are not digitally signed)
To install unsigned drive files, select: Ignore and click OK;
7. After installing the driver, it is suggested to set the ignored item just now, and then set the warning (default setting) to enhance the system security.