Electronic signature in a narrow sense is a digital signature using PKI system; Digital signature is a form and a subset of electronic signature.
Electronic signature is divided into signature and verification:
Appearance of seal: similar to the traditional usage of signing or stamping on paper documents;
Authentication ability: a digital certificate issued by an authoritative CA certification body, which contains a piece of data such as user identity, and can be understood as "electronic identity". Because this piece of data containing the signature identity is unique, it also ensures the uniqueness and tamper resistance of the digital signature.
Electronic authentication is an encryption technology based on digital certificate, which can encrypt and decrypt the information transmitted on the network, digitally sign and verify the signature, and ensure the security and integrity of the information transmitted on the network.
Electronic authentication takes the use of digital certificates as the core means to realize that the contract signing identity is true, the signing content is complete and cannot be tampered with under the network environment.