Specifies that the link should be opened in "mainFrame".
The target attribute of the tag: specifies where to open the linked document.
The value of the target attribute of the tag:
1. _blank
The browser always loads the target document in a newly opened, unnamed window. .
2. _self
The value of this target is the default target for all tags that do not specify a target, which causes the target document to be loaded and displayed in the same frame or window. as source document. This target is redundant and unnecessary unless used in conjunction with the target attribute in the
3. _parent
This goal causes the document to be loaded into the parent window or the frameset containing the frame referenced by the hyperlink. If this reference is in a window or in a top-level frame, it is equivalent to target _self.
4. _top
This goal causes the document to be loaded into the window containing the hyperlink. Using the _top goal will clear all included frames and load the document into the entire browser. window.
5. framename
Open the linked document in the specified frame, treating the frame as a built-in browser.
Extended information:
1. href attribute: used to specify the URL of the hyperlink target.
The value of the href attribute can be a relative or absolute URL to any valid document, including fragment identifiers and JavaScript snippets.
If the user selects content within the tag, the browser attempts to retrieve and display the document represented by the URL specified by the href attribute, or execute a list of JavaScript expressions, methods, and functions.
The href attribute or name attribute must be provided in the tag. If the href attribute is not specified as a link, the tag will not be a link.
2. Download attribute: Specifies the hyperlink target to be downloaded.
This attribute can also be set to a value to specify the name of the downloaded file. There are no restrictions on the allowed values, the browser will automatically detect the correct file extension and add it to the file (.img, .pdf, .txt, .html, etc.).
3. name attribute: used to specify the name of the anchor.
The name attribute enables the creation of bookmarks within (large) documents.
Almost all mainstream browsers support the name attribute.