The shortcut keys for computer to execute commands are:
1. The shortcut key for computer to execute commands is: windows key+R.
2. the key between 2.Ctrl and Alt is the windows key.
A complete set of computer-executed commands.
Gpedit.msc-group policy
Check DirectX information.
Rononce-p- 15 seconds off.
Nslookup-IP address detector
Explorer-Opens the Explorer.
Logout-Logout command.
Tsshutdn-60-second countdown shutdown command lusrmgr.msc-local users and groups
Services.msc-local service settings
Oobe/msoobe/a- Check whether Notepad is enabled in XP-Open Notepad.
Cleanmgr-garbage disposal
Net start messenger-start messenger service pmgmt.msc-computer management.
Net stop messenger-stop messenger service conf- start netmeeting.
Dvd player -DVD player
Charmap- Starts the character mapping table.
Disk management utility calc- start calculator.
DFRG。 Disk defragmenter. Exe-Chkdsk disk check
device manager
Regsvr32/u *。 Dll- stop dll file execution
Regedt32-Registry Editor
Msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility rsop.msc-Group Policy Result Set
Mem.exe- display memory using regedit.exe- registry file.
Winchat-XP comes with LAN chat program manager.
Winmsd- system information
Perfmon.msc-Winver, Computer Performance Monitor-Check Windows version sfc /scannow-Scan for errors and restore winipcfg-IP configuration.
Taskmgr-Work Manager 2000/XP/2003 mand-cmd
Enjoy this folder.
Netstat-an - Viewport
Osk screen keyboard
Install.asp- Modify the registration page.
Eventvwr.msc time viewer
Secpol.msc local security settings
Services.msc service
accwiz.exe & gt; Accessibility wizard
acsetups.exe & gt; Acs installs d server executable file.
actmovie.exe & gt; Direct display installation tool
append.exe & gt; Allows programs to open data in a directory.
arp.exe & gt; Display and change the corresponding computer ip and hardware physical address list at.exe >: Schedule a task.
atmadm.exe & gt; Call manager statistics
attrib.exe & gt; Display and change file and folder properties
autochk.exe & gt; Detecting and repairing file systems
autoconv.exe & gt; Automatic switching system at startup.
autofmt.exe & gt; Startup formatter.
autolfn.exe & gt; Use long file name format
bootok.exe & gt; The startup of the registry accepts applications.
bootvrfy.exe & gt; Notification of successful startup
cacls.exe & gt; Display and edit acl
calc.exe & gt; calculator
cdplayer.exe & gt; CD player
change.exe & gt; Query related to terminal server
charmap.exe & gt; charmap
chglogon.exe & gt; Enable or disable session recording.
chgport.exe & gt; Change port terminal service
chgusr.exe & gt; Change user terminal service
chkdsk.exe & gt; Disk detection program
chkntfs.exe & gt; Disk detection program
cidaemon.exe & gt; Write configuration item file service
cipher.exe & gt; Show or change encrypted files or directories on NTFS cisvc.exe >: index contents.
ckv.exe & gt; Convert cookie
cleanmgr.exe & gt; Disk cleaning
cliconfg.exe & gt; Sql customer network tool
clipbrd.exe & gt; Clipbook viewer
clipsrv.exe & gt; Run clipboard service
clspack.exe & gt; Create a list of system files
cluster.exe & gt; Displays the cluster of domains.
_cmd_。 Exe> There is nothing to say!
cmdl32.exe & gt; Automatic download connection management
cmmgr32.exe & gt; Connection manager
cmmon32.exe & gt; Connection manager monitoring
cmstp.exe & gt; Connection Manager Profile Installer
clust.exe & gt; Squeeze together
p.exe & gt; Compare the contents of two files and filesets *
pact.exe & gt; Displays or changes the compression status of files on ntfs partition slots conime.exe >; Input method console
control.exe & gt; control panel
convert.exe & gt; Convert the file system to ntfs
convlog.exe & gt; Convert iis log file format to ncsa format cprofile.exe >: Switch display mode.
cscript.exe & gt; Compared with the host version
csrss.exe & gt; Client server runtime program
csvde.exe & gt; Day-to-day format converter
dbgtrace.exe & gt; Related to terminal server
dfg.exe & gt; D configuration attribute
dcphelp.exe & gt; ?
dcpromo.exe & gt; Ad installation wizard
ddeshare.exe & gt; Enjoy Dde***
ddmprxy.exe & gt;
debug.exe & gt; It's debugging!
dfrgfat.exe & gt; Fat partition slot disk defragmenter
dfrgntfs.exe & gt; Ntfs partition slot disk defragmenter
dfs_cmd_。 Exe> configuring dfs tree
dfsinit.exe & gt; Initialization of distributed file system
dfssvc.exe & gt; Distributed file system server
diantz.exe & gt; Making cab file
diskperf.exe & gt; Disk performance counter
dllhost.exe & gt; Main program of all+application software
dllhst3g.exe & gt;
dmadmin.exe & gt; Disk management service
dmremote.exe & gt; Part of the disk management service
dns.exe & gt; application program
doskey.exe & gt; Command line macro creation
dosx.exe & gt; Dos extension toolkit
dplaysvr.exe & gt; Direct execution help
drwatson.exe & gt; Dr Watson's error detection.
drwtsn32.exe & gt; Dr Watson display and configuration management
dtcsetup.exe & gt; Install mdtc
dvdplay.exe & gt; Dvd playback
dxdiag.exe & gt; Direct-x diagnostic tool
edlin.exe & gt; The text editor of command bar has a long history! edlin.exe & gt; The text editor of command bar has a long history! esentutl.exe & gt; Ms database tool
eudcedit.exe & gt; Typing word-building program
eventvwr.exe & gt; Event viewer
evnt_cmd_。 Exe> trap converter event; Configuration tool evntwin.exe >: Event set by trap converter
exe2bin.exe & gt; Convert exe file to binary file
expand.exe & gt; Decompress
extrac32.exe & gt; Cab solution tool
fastopen.exe & gt; Fast access to hard disk files in memory
faxcover.exe & gt; Fax cover editing
faxqueue.exe & gt; Show fax queue
faxsend.exe & gt; Send fax wizard
faxsvc.exe & gt; Start fax service
fc.exe & gt; Compare the differences between two files.
find.exe & gt; Query text lines in a file.
findstr.exe & gt; Query the lines in the file
finger.exe & gt; Users and display statistical results.
fixmapi.exe & gt; Repair mapi file
flattemp.exe & gt; Allow or disable temporary file directories.
fontview.exe & gt; Displays the fonts in the font file.
forcedos.exe & gt; Force the file to start in dos mode. Force the file to run in dos mode.
freecell.exe & gt; The popular windows game freecell.
ftp.exe & gt; A file transfer protocol for transferring files over a network connection.
Ction is ftp.
gdi.exe & gt; Graphics device interface graphic interface driver
grovel.exe & gt;
grpconv.exe & gt; Program administrators group converter converter administrators group
help.exe & gt; Display Help for windows 2000 and display Help.
hostname.exe & gt; Displays the host name of the machine. Displays the host name of the machine.
ie4uinit.exe & gt; Ie5 User Installation Tool
ieshwiz.exe & gt; Custom Folder Wizard Custom Folder Wizard
iexpress.exe & gt; Create and set up packages for installing wearable installation packages.
iisreset.exe & gt; Restart iis management service Restart iis service.
internat.exe & gt; Keyboard language indicator applet keyboard language indicator
ipconfig.exe & gt; Windows 2000 ip configuration. View ip configuration.
ipsecmon.exe & gt; Ip security monitor
ipxroute.exe & gt; Ipx Routing and Source Routing Control Program irftp.exe IPX Routing and Source Routing Control Program >: Set ftp for wireless communication wireless connection.
I * * * serv.exe > Inter-site messaging service installs or removes services in service control manager jdbgmgr.exe: debugger for microsoft debugger of java 4 java4.
jetconv.exe & gt; Convert jet engine database convert jet engine database.
jetpack.exe & gt; Pact jet database Compress the jet database.
jview.exe & gt; Command line loader for java java command line loader
krnl386.exe & gt; Core components of windows 2000 core components
label.exe & gt; Change the drive label Change the volume label of the drive.
lcwiz.exe & gt; License splicing wizard for local or remote systems. License compliance wizard.
ldifde.exe & gt; Ldif cmd Line Manager Ldif Directory Exchange Command Line Management
licmgr.exe & gt; Terminal Server License Manager Terminal Services License Protocol Management
lights.exe & gt; Show connection status light shows connection status.
ll * * * gr.exe & gt; Windows 2000 License Manager 2000 License Agreement Management
llssrv.exe & gt; Start the license server Start the license agreement server.
lnkstub.exe & gt;
locator.exe & gt; Rpc locator remote location
lodctr.exe & gt; Load perfmon counter call performance count
logoff.exe & gt; Log off the current user. Log off the user.
lpq.exe & gt; Display the status of the remote lpd queue Displays the status of the remote lpd print queue and displays print jobs sent to unix-based servers.
lpr.exe & gt; Send a print job to a network printer. Redirect print jobs to printers on the network. Printers commonly used for unix clients send print jobs to nt printer servers connected to printing devices.
lsass.exe & gt; Lsa executables and server dlls execute LSA and server dlls.
lserver.exe & gt; Specify the new dns domain of the default server Specify the new DNS domain of the default server os2.exe >: OS/2 warp server os2 /o os/2.
os2srv.exe & gt; Warp server
os2ss.exe & gt; Warp server
osk.exe & gt; Screen keyboard
packager.exe & gt; Windows 2000 Packager Manager Object Wrapper
pathping.exe & gt; The combination of ping and tracert includes the procedures of ping and tracert.
pax.exe & gt; Is a POSIX program, and the path name used as a parameter must be specified in POSIX format. Use "c/users/default" instead of "c: users default" to start the pax utility for mobile archive exchange.
pentnt.exe & gt; Used to check Pentium's floating-point division errors. Check the floating-point error of Pentium.
perfmon.exe & gt; Start windows performance monitor performance monitor
ping.exe & gt; The packet Internet probe verifies the connection with the remote computer.
posix.exe & gt; For backward opening with unix, for compatibility with UNIX.
print.exe & gt; Cmd lines used to print files print text files or display the contents of a print queue.
progman.exe & gt; project manager
proquota.exe & gt; Profile quota plan
psxss.exe & gt; Posix subsystem application
qappsrv.exe & gt; Displays the application terminal servers available on the network to show the programs available on the terminal servers on the network.
qprocess.exe & gt; Display RM information about process local or remote display program. Terminal service is required locally or remotely.
query.exe & gt; Query terms, server user processes and sessions, query programs and conversations.
quser.exe & gt; The display information about the logged-in user shows the information of the user's login. Qwinsta.exe > RM showing about terminal sessions requires terminal services. Displays information about terminal services.
rasadmin.exe & gt; Start the Remote Access Management Service Start the Remote Access Service.
rasautou.exe & gt; Create a ras connection to establish a ras connection.
rasdial.exe & gt; Dial-up connection
ras.exe & gt; Start ras connection and perform ras connection.
rcp.exe & gt; Copy files from RCP service to RCP service. Copy files between a windows 2000 computer and a system running Remote Shell Port Monitor rshd.
rdpclip.exe & gt; Rdpclip allows you to copy and paste files between a terminal session and a client.
Console session. Copy and paste files at the terminal and locally.
recover.exe & gt; RM can be recovered from a bad or defective disk to recover readable information from the bad or defective disk.
redir.exe & gt; Start the redirector service to execute the redirection service.
regedt32.exe & gt; 32-bit registration service
regini.exe & gt; Modify registry permissions from scripts, and use scripts to modify registration licenses.
register.exe & gt; Register a program so that it can have special execution characters. Register a program that contains special execution characters.
regsvc.exe & gt;
regsvr32.exe & gt; Register and unregister "s dll". As for how and where it registers them, I don't know. Registering and deregistering dlls.
regtrace.exe & gt; Option to adjust debugging options for applications that cannot dump trace settings for trace statements.
regwiz.exe & gt; Registration wizard Registration wizard
remrras.exe & gt;
replace.exe & gt; Replace File Replaces a file in the target directory with a file with the same name in the source directory.
reset.exe & gt; Resetting the active section resets the active part.
rexec.exe & gt; Run the command on the remote host running the rexec service.
Execute the command on the remote computer served by rexec. The rexec command verifies the user name on the remote computer before executing the specified command, and can only be used after the tcp/ip protocol is installed.
risetup.exe & gt; Start the Remote Installation Service Wizard. Execute the Remote Installation Wizard.
route.exe & gt; Displays or edits the current routing table. Control the network routing table.
routemon.exe & gt; No longer support is no longer support!
router.exe & gt; Router software running on a dedicated dos or os/2 system. Routing software is in dos or OS/2 system.
rsh.exe & gt; The runs command on the remote host running the rsh service executes the command on the remote computer running the rsh service.
r ***。 Exe> Installing and Configuring Remote System Media Configuring Remote System Media.
rsnotify.exe & gt; Remote storage notification withdrawal remote storage notification response
rsvp.exe & gt; Resource reservation protocol source reservation protocol
runas.exe & gt; Running programs as other users allows users to execute specified tools and programs with other permissions. Rundll32.exe >: Start the 32-bit dll program Start the 32-bit dll program.
runonce.exe & gt; Causes the program to run the program restart menu during startup execution.
rwinsta.exe & gt; Reset the session subsystem hardware and software to understand the initial value. Reset the session subsystem hardware and software to their original values.
savedump.exe & gt; Do not write e:winntuser.dmp Do not write user.dmp
scardsvr.exe & gt; * * * artcard resource management server daughter card resource management server
schupgr.exe & gt; It will read the schema update file. Ldf files and upgrades
Mode. Part of adsi reads the plan update file and update plan.
secedit.exe & gt; Start the security editor to help automatic security configuration management
services.exe & gt; Control all services. Control all services.
sethc.exe & gt; Set high contrast-Log off color and display mode to S.
Restore it to the normal setting of high contrast.
setreg.exe & gt; Show Software Release Status Key value shows the country where the software was released.
The setup.exe > GUI box prompts you to go to the control panel to configure the system co.
Component settings go to the control panel.
setver.exe & gt; Set the file version Set the ms-dos version number reported by ms-dos subsystem to program sfc.exe >: System File Checker tests and checks the integrity of system files System File Checker.
sfmprint.exe & gt; Macintosh printing service printing macintosh service
sfmpsexe.exe & gt;
sfmsvc.exe & gt;
shadow.exe & gt; Monitor another Terminal Services session. Monitor another mid-range server session.
share.exe & gt; Windows 2000 and ms-dos subsystems do not use this command. This command only applies to ms-dos files.
shmgrate.exe & gt;
shrpubw.exe & gt; Create and share folders Create and * * * share folders.
sigverif.exe & gt; File signature verification file signature verification
skeys.exe & gt; Serial number making tool
* * * logsvc.exe & gt; Performance logs and alerts Performance logs and alerts
* * * ss.exe & gt;
sndrec32.exe & gt; Start the windows recorder
sndvol32.exe & gt; Display the current volume information and display the sound control information.
snmp.exe & gt; Simple network management protocol for network management
snmptrap.exe & gt; Utilities used with snmp tools
sol.exe & gt; Windows solitaire game card
sort.exe & gt; Pares files and folders read input and sorted data and write the results to screens, files and other devices.
SPOOLSV.EXE & gt; Part of the spooler service used to print the print pool service.
sprestrt.exe & gt;
srvmgr.exe & gt; Start Windows server manager server manager
stimon.exe & gt; WDM stills->; class monitor
stisvc.exe & gt; WDM stills->; service
subst.exe & gt; Associate a path with a drive letter Associate a path with a drive letter.
svchost.exe & gt; Svchost.exe's main program is the universal host process name of the service running from dlls.dll dynamic link library.
syncapp.exe & gt; Create a Windows briefcase. Create a Windows package.
sysedit.exe & gt; Open the editor for 4 system files System Configuration Editor.
syskey.exe & gt; Encrypting and protecting system database nt account database with grouping tool
sysocmgr.exe & gt; Windows 2000 installer 2000 installer
systray.exe & gt; Start the system tray in the lower right corner.
Execute systray with low privileges.
macfile.exe & gt; Manage MAC files for manage MAC files
magnify.exe & gt; Magnifier used to enlarge the current screen
makecab.exe & gt; MS CABinet manufacturer makes cab file.
mdm.exe & gt; Machine debugging manager machine debugging management
mem.exe & gt; Show the current memory status. Show the memory status.
migpwd.exe & gt; Migration password. Migration password
mmc.exe & gt; Microsoft management console console
mnmsrvc.exe & gt; Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing NetMeeting Remote Desktop * * *
mobsync.exe & gt; Manage synchronization. Synchronize the directory manager.
mountvol.exe & gt; Create, delete, or list volume mount points. Create, delete, or list mount points for volumes. mplay32.exe & gt; MS media player
mpnotify.exe & gt; Multi-provider notification application Multi-provider notification application
mqbkup.exe & gt; Ms Message Queuing Backup and Restore Utility Message Queuing Backup and Restore Tool mqexchng.exe >: MSMQ Exchange Connector Settings Message Queuing Exchange Connection Settings.
mqmig.exe & gt; MSMQ Migration Utility Message Queuing Migration Tool
mr.exe & gt; Multicast routing using SNMP uses SNMP multicast routing.
mscdexnt.exe & gt; Install MSCD MS CD extension to install MSCD.
msdtc.exe & gt; Dynamic transaction controller console
msg.exe & gt; Send messages to local or remote users. Send messages to local or remote customers.
This article comes from the Monkey Island Game Forum:
Gpedit.msc group policy