file label
< HTML > ● The file declaration lets the browser know that this is an HTML file.
& ltHEAD & gt● Provide the overall information of the document at the beginning.
< title > ● the title of the title definition file will be displayed at the top of the browse.
& ltBODY & gt● Design file format and text of this article.
Typesetting mark
& lt! -Remarks-> ○ Description tags are documents with descriptions, but they are not displayed.
& ltP>○ Paragraph markers leave blank lines between words, pictures, tables, etc.
& ltBR & gt○ Make words, pictures, tables, etc. with line breaks. Appears on the next line.
& ltHR & gt○ Insert a horizontal line in the horizontal line.
& lt Center & gt● Center text, pictures, tables, etc. The object displayed in the middle.
& ltPRE & gt● The preset format enables the files to be displayed according to the original code arrangement.
& ltDIV & gt● Zoning signs set the placement position of words, drawings and tables.
& lt noble & gt Don't fold the lines because they are too long so that the text won't be bypassed.
& ltWBR & gt; ● Suggest the default folding position for folding.
Font mark
● Emphasize the bold effect.
& ltB& gt; ● Bold marks produce bold effects.
& ltEM & gt● Emphasize the italic effect of label fonts.
& lt I>● Italic mark fonts have italic effect.
& ltTT & gt; Courier font is used for typing, and the letter width is the same.
& ltU>● Add bottom line and bottom line objection.
& lth 1 & gt; ● The first-level title becomes thicker, bigger and wider, and the degree is inversely proportional to the series.
& ltH2 & gt; ● The secondary title label will make the font thicker, bigger and wider.
& ltH3 & gt; ● Three-level heading marks make the font thicker, larger and wider.
& ltH4 & gt; ● Four-level heading marks make the font thicker, larger and wider.
& ltH5 & gt; ● Five-level heading marks make the font thicker, larger and wider.
& ltH6 & gt; ● Six-level heading marks make the font thicker, larger and wider.
& ltFONT & gt● Font logo sets the font, size and color to be opposite.
& ltBASEFONT & gt refer to glyph markers to compare all glyphs, sizes and colors with each other.
& ltBIG & gt● The font size increased slightly.
< small > ● Font thinning makes the font slightly thinner.
& lt strike & gt● Cross-line deletion of fonts and cross-line objection.
& lt code & gt● The code font is slightly wider, such as
& ltKBD & gt● The keyboard font is slightly wider and single blank.
& ltSAMP & gt● The sample fonts are slightly wider, such as
& ltVAR & gt● Variable italic effect
& lt Citation & gt● Italic Effect of Biographical Citation
& ltBLOCKQUOTE & gt● Indented font of reference text block.
& ltDFN & gt● Predicate defines italic effect.
& lt address & gt● Italic effect of address marks.
& ltSUB & gt● Subscript word subscript word
< sup > ● superscript index (square, cube, etc. )
List mark
& ltOL & gt● The items in the order list will be arranged in numerical and alphabetical order.
& ltUL & gt; ● The unordered list items will be arranged in the form of dots.
< lee > ○ each tag of a list item represents a list item.
& lt menu & gt● Menu list items will be arranged in the form of dots, such as
& ltDIR & gt● The list items in the list will be arranged in the form of dots, for example
& ltDL & gt● The definition list is divided into two layers.
& ltDT & gt○ The definition entry indicates the title of the definition.
& ltDD & gt○ Defining Content Tags Defining Content
Table mark
& gt●table & gt ● the table tag sets the parameters of the table.
& ltCAPTION & gt● Make a list of table titles and fill in the table titles.
& ltTR & gt● Table Row Sets the row of the table.
& ltTD & gt● Table Columns Set the columns of the table.
& ltTH & gt● Header is equal to
Form label
& lt Form & gt● The form label determines the operation mode of a single form.
< textarea > ● The text block provides a text box for entering a large amount of text.
< input > ○ The input sign determines the input form.
& lt Select & gt● Select a tab to create a popup scrolling list.
< options > ○ options each label represents an option.
Graphic marking
& ltIMG & gt; ○ Graphic markers are used to insert graphics and set graphic properties.
Link mark
& ltA>● Link Tags Add Links.
The & ltBASE & gt○ benchmark tag can make the relative URL absolute and specify the link target.
Frame mark
& lt frameset & gt● frameset setting frame
& lt frame & gt○ frame window settings Set the frame window.
& ltIFRAME & gt○ Intra-page frame inserts frame IE in the middle of the web page.
& ltNOFRAMES & gt● Frame setting is not supported. Prompt when the browser does not support frames.
Image mapping
< Map > ● Image Map Name Set the image map name.
& ltAREA & gt○ Link area Set each link area.
< bgsound > ○ background sound plays sound or music IE in the background.
< embed > ○ multimedia to add sound, music or images.
Other signs
& ltMARQUEE & gt● Walking text makes the text move around IE.
< blink > ● flashing text flashing text NC
& ltISINDEX & gt○ In-page finder can enter keywords to find objections in this page.
The & ltMETA & gt open definition lets the browser know that this is an HTML file.
< link > ○ Relationship definition defines the relationship between files and other URLs.
style sheet
& ltSTYLE & gt● Style sheets control page layout.
& ltspan & gt● Custom tags can be used alone or together with style sheets.