Pirated signature photos emerge one after another. Our country attaches great importance to copyright awareness. With the improvement of people's living standards and educational methods, the appearance of pirated signature photos is becoming more and more hidden. However, some star-chasing girls don't consider the loopholes in the whole industry at all, but believe everything the store says. Actually, the industrial chain of pirated signature photos is very simple. As long as the girls in the rice circle carefully distinguish between genuine signature photos and pirated signature photos, the girls in the rice circle will never be cheated. The facts are shocking. The girls in the rice circle have no mind to think about the problem at all. They just think that pirated signature photos are cheaper.
Major online stores should stop selling fake signature photos of stars. Perhaps fake star signature photos can make stores gain more trust from star-chasing girls, but these stores have seriously affected the law of the whole genuine book market. Our country is cracking down on very serious piracy, and major online stores should not sell false and false star signature photos. If the major online stores still highlight the false signature photos of stars without realizing the related problems, it can also highlight that the legal awareness and copyright awareness of relevant personnel are relatively weak.
Generally speaking, I think there should be an industry selling fake signature photos behind this incident, which has seriously affected the cost performance and significance of genuine signature photos. Idolize girls should use rational thinking mode and idolize, instead of putting cheap fake star autographed photos in the shopping cart. Although everyone's consumption concept is different, girls in idolize should not contribute to the influence of the piracy market. Major star teams should control the outflow of star signature photos, and if they encounter sellers with false signature photos, these star teams should use legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.