"Honesty" is the theme of Confucianism and the way to be a man. We dare not be the best in the world, so we should be honest and trustworthy. Wang Fuzhi, a Neo-Confucianism scholar in the Song Dynasty, said, "Honest people are really innocent. Just say that this kind of home is very strong, and people's personality is very cold and arrogant. People who come to visit must be sincere.
In the development of society, it is inevitable that some high-ranking people are arrogant. They are generally not easy to be visited by others, and they will not agree to do something casually.
Therefore, when we are ready to visit this kind of person's family life, we must bring our most sincere heart, touch her with our most sincere heart, and let her accept her visit!
It's just that this family is deep and people's personality is very cold, so people who come to visit need to be sincere. It is inevitable that there will be some people in high positions in society, and their hearts are very cold. Generally, I don't accept other people's visits, and I don't easily promise others what to do.
Therefore, when we want to visit the families of such people, we must bring our most sincere heart, impress her with our most sincere heart and let her accept our visit!