Sha1value of Android signing certificate+";" +package name (i.e. digital signature+semicolon+package name), for example:
2D:0D:D8:32:EA:68:57:8 1:E5:6D:F7:3C:BA:B4:A8:D0:AE:00:9A:c 1; com.baidumap.demo
If the app is a debug version (running directly), you can view it directly in eclipse:Windows-- >; Preference-> Android-& gt; build
As shown in the figure below:
The value of "SHA 1 fingerprint" is the sha 1 value of the Android signature certificate.
If the application is a release version:
1. Sign the APP first, and then generate the xxxx.keystore file (the signing method of the app is/zhlf91718/article/details/17000973).
2. Copy the generated xxxx.keystore file to the C:\Users\xiang\ Android directory.
Step 1: Run to the console.
Step 2: Navigate to. Android folder, go to
Step 3: enter keytool-list-v-keystore debug. Keystore (debug app)/"xxxx. keystore (release app)", you will get three kinds of fingerprint certificates. Select certificate of SHA 1 type (password is android), for example:
Among them, keytool is jdk's own tool; Keystorefile is a certificate file signed by Android.
Keystore password: the password entered during the generation of xxxx.keystore when signing the application.
c:\ Users \ tgh & gt; CD. robot
C:\Users\tgh\android & gtkeytool-list-v-keystore debug . keystore
Enter the keystore password:
Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entries.
Alias: androiddebugkey
Date of creation: 20 16-3-28
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Certificate [1]:
Owner: C=US, O=Android, CN=Android Debug.
Publisher: C=US, O=Android, CN=Android Debug.
Serial number: 1
The validity period starts on March 28th at 21:24:10cst2016 and ends on March 26th at 2121:24:10cst2046.
Certificate fingerprint:
MD5: 04:54:C2: Ed: A9: 80: 3b: 81:BB: 9f: 20: F7: 2f: 64: AB: 2f.
sha 1:2D:0D:D8:32:EA:68:57:8 1:E5:6D:F7:3C:BA:B4:A8:D0:AE:00:9A:c 1
sha 256:7B:8A:40:0D:49:D8:62:04:BF:8D:95:02:73:A8:F3:74:BD:CF:CF:05: 18: 19:DF:DA:3F:59:D8:0D:a 1:FA:0C:58
Signature algorithm name: SHA 1withRSA