The following introduces the SMS php interface of the moduyun platform.
// Works well with php5.3 and php5.6.
namespace Moduyun\Sms;
require_once('SmsSenderUtil .php');
class SmsSingleSender {
var $url;
var $accesskey;
var $secretkey;
p>var $util;
function __construct($accesskey, $secretkey) {
$this->url = "/sms/v1/sendsinglesms";
p>$this->accesskey =? $accesskey;
$this->secretkey = $secretkey;
$this->util = new SmsSenderUtil();< /p>
* Ordinary single message, clearly specify the content. If there are multiple signatures, please add them to the message content in the form of , otherwise the system will use the default signature
* @param int $type SMS type, 0 is ordinary SMS, 1 is marketing SMS
* @param string $nationCode country code, such as 86 For China
* @param string $phoneNumber Mobile phone number without country code
* @param string $msg Information content must be consistent with the applied template format, otherwise an error will be returned
* @param string $extend extension code, blank string can be filled in
* @param string $ext parameter returned by the server as it is, blank string can be filled in
* @return string json string { "result": xxxxx, "errmsg": "xxxxxx" ... }, please refer to the protocol document for omitted content
function send( $type, $nationCode, $phoneNumber, $msg, $extend = "", $ext = "") {
Request package body
"tel": {
"nationcode": "86",
"mobile": "13788888888"
"type": 0,
"msg": "Your verification code is 1234",
"sig": "fdba654e05bc0d15796713a1a1a2318c",
"time": 1479888540,
"extend": "",
"ext": ""
} p>
Response packet body
"result": 0,
"errmsg": "OK",
"ext": "",
"sid": "xxxxxxx",
"fee": 1
}< /p>
$random = $this->util->getRandom();
$curTime = time();
$wholeUrl = $this->url . "?accesskey=" . $this->accesskey . "&random=" . $random;
// Organize the post package body according to the protocol
$data = new \stdClass();
$tel = new \stdClass();
$tel->nationcode = "".$nationCode;
< p> $tel->mobile = "".$phoneNumber;$data->tel = $tel;
$data->type = (int)$type;< /p>
$data->msg = $msg;
$data->sig = hash("sha256",
"secretkey=".$this-> secretkey."&random=".$random."&time=".$curTime."&mobile=".$phoneNumber, FALSE);
$data->time = $curTime;
< p> $data->extend = $extend;$data->ext = $ext;
return $this->util->sendCurlPost($wholeUrl, $data) ;
* Specify template single send
* @param string $nationCode country code, such as 86 China
* @param string $phoneNumber Mobile phone number without country code
* @param int $templId template id
* @param array $params template Parameter list, such as template {1}...{2}...{3}, then you need to bring three parameters
* @param string $sign signature, if you fill in the blank string, the system will use the default Signature
* @param string $extend extension code, blank string can be filled in
* @param string $ext parameter returned by the server as it is, blank string can be filled in
* @return string json string { "result": xxxxx, "errmsg": "xxxxxx"? ... }, please refer to the protocol document for omitted content
function sendWith
Param($nationCode, $phoneNumber, $templId = 0, $params, $sign = "", $extend = "", $ext = "") {
Request package body
"tel": {
"nationcode": "86",
"mobile": "13788888888"
"sign": "Moduyun",
"tpl_id": 19,
"params" : [
"Verification code",
"sig": "fdba654e05bc0d15796713a1a1a2318c",
"time": 1479888540,
"extend": "",
"ext": ""< /p>
Response packet body
"result": 0,
"errmsg": " OK",
"ext": "",
"sid": "xxxxxxx",
"fee": 1
$random = $this->util->getRandom();
$curTime = time();
$wholeUrl = $this->url . "?sdkaccesskey=" . $this->accesskey . "&random=" . $random;
// Organize the post package body according to the protocol
$data = new \stdClass();
$tel = new \stdClass();
$tel->nationcode = "".$nationCode;
p>$tel->mobile = "".$phoneNumber;
$data->tel = $tel;
$data->sig = $this-> util->calculateSigForTempl($this->secretkey, $random, $curTime, $phoneNumber);
$data->tpl_id = $templId;
$data->params = $params;
$data->sign = $sign;
$data->time = $curTime;
$data->extend = $extend ;
$data->ext = $ext;
return $this->util->
;sendCurlPost($wholeUrl, $data);
class SmsMultiSender {
var $url;
var $accesskey;
var $secretkey;
var $util;
function __construct($accesskey, $secretkey) {
$this->url = "/sms/v1/sendsinglesms";
$this->accesskey =? $accesskey;
$this->secretkey = $ secretkey;
$this->util = new SmsSenderUtil();
* Ordinary group sending, clear Specify the content. If there are multiple signatures, please add them to the message content in the form of , otherwise the system will use the default signature
* Note that overseas SMS does not have a group sending function
* @param int $type SMS type, 0 is ordinary SMS, 1 is marketing SMS
* @param string $nationCode country code, such as 86 is China
* @param string $phoneNumbers No List of mobile phone numbers with country code
* @param string $msg Information content must be consistent with the applied template format, otherwise an error will be returned
* @param string $extend Extension code , empty strings can be filled in
* @param string $ext Parameters returned by the server as they are, empty strings can be filled in
* @return string json string { "result": xxxxx, "errmsg" : "xxxxxx" ... }, please refer to the protocol document for omitted content
function send($type, $nationCode, $phoneNumbers, $msg, $extend = "", $ext = "") {
Request package body
"tel": [< /p>
"nationcode": "86",
"mobile": "13788888888"
< p> {"nationcode": "86",
"mobile": "13788888889"
],< /p>
"type": 0,
"msg": "Your verification code is 1234",
"sig": "fdba654e05bc0d15796713a1a1a2318c",
"time": 1479888540,
"extend": "",
"ext": ""
Response packet body
"result": 0,
< p> "errmsg": "OK","ext": "",
"detail": [
"result": 0,
"errmsg": "OK",
"mobile": "13788888888",
"nationcode": "86 ",
"sid": "xxxxxxx",
"fee": 1
"result": 0,
"errmsg": "OK",
"mobile": "13788888889",
"nationcode": "86",
"sid": "xxxxxxx",
"fee": 1
$random = $this->util->getRandom();
$curTime = time();< /p>
$wholeUrl = $this->url . "?accesskey=" . $this->accesskey . "&random=" . $random;
$data = new \stdClass() ;
$data->tel = $this->util->phoneNumbersToArray($nationCode, $phoneNumbers);
$data->type = $type;
$data->msg = $msg;
$data->sig = $this->util->calculateSig($this->secretkey, $random, $curTime, $phoneNumbers);
$data->time = $curTime;
$data->extend = $extend;
$data->ext = $ext;
p>return $this->util->sendCurlPost($wholeUrl, $data);
* Specify template Group sending
* Note that overseas SMS does not have group sending function
* @param string $nationCode country code, such as 86 for China
* @param array $phoneNumbers without List of mobile phone numbers with country codes
* @param int $templId template id
* @param array $params template parameter list, such as template {1}...{2}...{3}, then you need to enter three parameters
* @param string $sign signature, if you fill in the blank string, the system will use the default signature
* @param string $extend extension code, you can fill in the blank string
< p> * @param string $ext Parameters returned by the server as they are, blank strings can be filled in* @return string json string { "result": xxxxx, "errmsg": "xxxxxx" ... }, For omitted content, please refer to the protocol document
function sendWithParam($nationCode, $phoneNumbers, $templId, $params, $sign = "", $extend ="", $ext = "") {
Request package body
"tel": [
"nationcode": "86",
"mobile": "13788888888"
"nationcode": "86",
"mobile": "13788888889"
"sign": "Moduyun",
"tpl_id": 19,
"params": [
"Verification code",
"sig": "fdba654e05bc0d15796713a1a1a2318c",
"time": 1479888540,
"extend": "",
"ext": ""
Response packet Body
"result": 0,
"errmsg": "OK",
"ext": "" ,
"detail": [
"result": 0,
"errmsg": "OK",< /p>
"mobile": "13788888888",
"nationcode": "86",
"sid": "xxxxxxx",
"fee": 1
"result": 0,
"errmsg": "OK" ,
"mobile": "13788888889",
<p> "nationcode": "86",
"sid": "xxxxxxx",
"fee": 1
< p> ]}
$random = $this->util->getRandom();
$curTime = time();
$wholeUrl = $this->url . "?accesskey=" . $this->accesskey . "&random=" . $random;
$data = new \stdClass();
$data->tel = $this->util->phoneNumbersToArray($nationCode, $phoneNumbers);
$data->sign = $ sign;
$data->tpl_id = $templId;
$data->params = $params;
$data->sig = $this- >util->calculateSigForTemplAndPhoneNumbers(
$this->secretkey, $random, $curTime, $phoneNumbers);
$data->time = $curTime;
< p> $data->extend = $extend;$data->ext = $ext;
return $this->util->sendCurlPost($wholeUrl, $data) ;
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