album means: n. album; Records; Photo album; Stamp album; Commemorative album Album's detailed definition is n. (noun) album; A set of records; A collection of tapes; A collection of paintings; Music collection; Song collection; Guest sign-in book for album compact disc album stamp album; Photo book; Stamp book, photo album and collection book. Album's example is used as a noun (n.). This is a song in her latest collection.
first, a detailed explanation click here to view the details of album
n. (noun) album; A set of records; A collection of tapes; A collection of paintings; Music collection; Song collection; Guest sign-in book for album compact disc album stamp album; Photo book; Stamp book, photo album and collection book II. Ying Ying's interpretation
noun: oneormorerecordingsissuedtogether; originallyreleasedon12-inchphonographrecords(usuallywithattractiverecordcovers)andlateroncassetteaudiotapeandcompactdisc
abookofblankpageswithpocketsorenvelopes; Fororganizingphotographsorstamp collection etc
III. Dictionary explanation
1. Records; Albums; The album
Analbumisareordwithabout 25 minutes of musiconechside. Youcanalsorefertoaction of songsthatisavailable OnRecord, Cassette, Orchdasanalbum.
E.G. Chris Likesmusicandhasalarge Collectionofalbumsand cassettes.
Chris likes music and has a large collection of records and tapes.
2. Special album (used to save photos, stamps, etc.), album
Analbumisaobookinwhichyoukeepthings such as photography, photography, photography, photography, photography, and so on.
E.G. Theresashowedmeher photography.
Teresa showed me her photo album.
4. Example
This is a song in her latest album.
The Album ContainingSmanyMemorableSongs.
This record includes many songs worth collecting.
MyAlbum of Boys Hoodphotographs of Enremindsmeofthiphappiness.
My childhood photo albums often remind me of my childhood joys.
I saw her putting stamps in the album.
allthosewhohavecontributor dtowardsthiftwillsignTheirnamesinal Argentina.
All the gift givers will sign a large commemorative album.
ipresenttoyou alilaplacian your longreservedautographalbum, which may bring you thewarmthofthe schoolday sweenyou openitagainoneeveningmanyyearslater.
This lilac, sandwiched in your yellowed album, will bring you a ray of warmth in the past years when you reopen it one evening after many years.
5. Common sentence patterns
Used as a noun (n.) The photos should be put in an album.
These photos should be put in an album. HetoouptheStampalBumandopeneditattheflyleaf.
He picked up the stamp album and turned to the title page. Willyoulookoverhisalbum?
would you like to see his records? Sixth, vocabulary collocation
albumofviews landscape paintings petrolatumalbum[ chemical] white petrolatum; White ... VII. Etymological explanation
☆ Entered English around p>☆165, directly derived from Latin album, meaning white. Related synonyms of album
book, record, folder, scrapbook, photoalbum, stampalbum, babybook, LP, CD, tape, register, cassette, compilation, catalog, registry, collection, list, notebook、anthology、documentation、cover、recording、log、binder、envelope、jacket、binding、memorybook、guestbook、sign-inbook、autographbook、pad、 Related neighboring words of phonographrecord, long-playingrecord, autograph, sign-in, guest, memory, long-playing, phonograph, recordalbum
album, Albion, albums, album, Albumen, albumose, albumoid, albumone, albumate, albumisol, albumovi, Album Size
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