Sad, sad
Safe/(((/A. 1。 Safe, safe 2. Solid and reliable.
Security/((((/n.1). Safe, safe 2. Safety equipment, safety devices.
sail/((((/n . 1。 Sail 2. sail
Sailor, sailor
Purpose, reason, reason
Salary, salary.
Sale/(((/N. 1。 Sell, sell 2. Sell at a low price, sell at a low price Sales.
Salesman, salesman, salesman
Salt (class)
Cover with salt
Same, same.
Pronouns are the same person (or thing)
Sample, sample, example.
Verb (short for verb) sampling (testing or investigating)
sand/()sand 2。 【pl。 ] The beach.
Sandwich bread with meat
/((((((((; Clip in, squeeze in
A satellite/artificial satellite.
Satisfaction n. 1. Satisfy, satisfy 2. Reasons for pleasure and satisfaction.
Satisfactory; Satisfactory, satisfactory.
To satisfy, satisfy.
Saturday, Saturday
Save/((/v.1. Save, save 2. Save, save, keep 3. Save, save, omit.
Say/(/v.1. Say, explain and express. Suppose, suppose, for example.
Noun (short for noun) 1. Say what you say, point of view 2. The opportunity to speak, the right to speak
Scan/((/v.1. Look carefully and check 2. Scan 3. Browse.
Hardly Hardly, not at all, hardly.
Scene/(((/n.1. Scenery, scene two. Background, scenery, the third stage. A scene.
Timetable, timetable
Arrange [arrange]
Scholars; scholar
Scholarship/(((((((/n.1). Scholarship 2. Study, study.
School/(((/n.1). School, college (in university) 2. School, study 3. School, genre.
Science/(((((/n.1). Science II. Discipline.
Scientific/(((((((((((((((((()/ (i)))))), science.
Scientists; Scientists; scientist
Score/((/n.1. Score, score 2. 20.
Get (a score), record (a score), give. ...
Scream, shout.
screen/(((((/n . 1。 Screen, screen 2. Curtains.
Cover up
Sea, ocean
Search, search, probe.
Season/((((/n.1). Season (festival), the second season. Festival.
Seats/((/n.1. 2 seats on the base. Place, place.
Sit down, leader ...
Seconds/(((((/num). Second.
A. second-class, inferior
Second, instant
Secondary/(((((((((((((((/a.1))) Secondary, subordinate, auxiliary 2. Middle, second (bit).
Secret, confidential.
Secretary/((((() n.1). Secretary two. Secretary 3. Minister. Minister.
section/((((((/n . 1。 Section 2. The third part. Department, group four. Section by section.
See/(/v.1. See 2. Understanding 3. Know 4. Meet and visit 5. Witness, experience
Verb (abbreviation of verb) 1 .sowed 2. Fruiting and seed setting.
Seek, explore and pursue.
It seems, it seems.
Grab/((/v.1. Catch, catch 2. Hold on, hold on.
Very few. Rarely, not often.
Select/(((/v. Select, select.
A. select, excellent
Self, self, self.
Selfish; selfish
Sell/((/v. 1。 Sell, sell and distribute 2. Sell, there is a market.
Send/((/v.1. Send, send 2. Send, send.
Senior/(((((/a.1). Older, sophomore. Senior, senior, senior.
sense/((((/n . 1。 Sense, function 2. Feeling 3. Concept, consciousness and discrimination 4. Meaning, meaning.
Feel, be aware of
Sentence/((((((/n.1). Sentence, second sentence. Sentence, sentence.
Sentence, sentence
Separate, separate.
Separate, separate
Series/((((((/n.1). One series, two consecutive series.
Serious/((((((/a.1). Serious, solemn 2. Major, serious and critical 3. Seriously, really.
Servant; servant
Take/((/v.1. Service, due diligence) 2. Serve, serve, serve (food, etc). ) 3. Meet and apply.
Service/((((/n.1). Service, service, help, external use 2. Public facilities, operation 3. Maintenance 4. Government departments and service enterprises.
Repair and maintenance
Set/((/n. 1。 A set, a pair, a set. 2. Electrical (or electronic) instruments and equipment.
Verb (abbreviation of verb) 1. Establish, set and create 3. Go, go 4. Adjust, correct 5. Sun, moon, etc. ) fall, sink.
A. predetermined, fixed and prescribed
Settle/(((/v. 1。 Place, settle down 2 Settle down 3. Settle down and mediate 4. Arrange, arrange.
Seven/(((/num. Seven, seven (people or things)
17/(((((((((((((/num). Seventeen, seventeen (person or thing))
Seven/((((/num). Seventy, seventy (person or thing))
Seven/((((/a.1. Several, several, several twos. All right, all right.
Seven/(((/a.1. Strict, strict 2. Serious, serious 3. Serious and difficult.
Sex (don't)
Shade/(((/n. 1。 Shadow, shadow 2. Shade, cover.
Shade; shadow
Shadow/((((/n.1). Shadow, Shadow, Darkness II. Shadow.
Shake/((/n./v.1. Shake, shake 2 shake, shake.
shall/strong(((; Weak ((/aux. V. 1. Will (want), will 2. Must, should.
Shallow/(((/a.1. Shallow 2. Shallow.
[often pl. ] Shallow water
shape/((((/n . 1。 Shape, shape 2. Situation, state.
Form, shape, shape
Share /((/v. 1. Distribution, divided equally into 2. Share, share, * * yes.
Noun (abbreviation of noun) 1. One copy, two copies. share
Sharp /((/A. 1. Sharp, sharp 2. Clear, clear 3. Sharp and sudden 4. Sharp, Sharp 5. Keen and alert.
[time] is correct
Scrape, scrape, plane.
shave (the face)
She/((; Weak ((/pron. she
sheet/((((/n . 1。 Page 2. One, one, one.
Shelf, shelf
Shell/((/n. 1。 Shell, shell 2. Shells.
shelter/(((((/n . 1。 Shelter, shelter 2. Shelter, protect.
Hide, avoid, cover up
Shift/(((/v. 1。 Change, change 2. Move, transfer.
Noun (abbreviation of noun) 1. Change, change 2. Transfer, transfer
Shine, shine
Glossy; bright
(large) ship, ship
By boat, ship, means of transport
Shirt; shirt
Shock/((/n.1. Vibration, impact 2. Electric shock, electric shock 3. A shocking thing.
Verb (abbreviation of verb) 1. (make) shake 2. (make) a shock.
Shoot/((/v.1. Shoot, shoot, shoot 2. Shoot (the door) and throw (the basket) 3. Act quickly and rise quickly. Germination.
1. beat, beat 2.
Store /((/n. 1. Shop, shop 2. Factory, workshop.
Go to the store, go shopping
Short/(((/A. 1。 Short, short 2. Short, short, short 3. Lack (of).
【pl。 ] shorts
Not enough, lacking
Soon/((((/ad.1). Right away, soon 2. Simply put.
Shoot /((/N. 1. Shoot, shoot 2. Clap, clap three. Bullets, shells, bullets.
Should be/strong ((weak ((/aux.v. 1). [shall past tense] 2. [obligation, responsibility] should, should 3. [Hypothesis] In case, even 4. [Will] It's just, this five. [Guess] Maybe.
Shoulder, shoulder
Bear the burden
Shout, shout
Show/((/v. 1。 Show, show 2. Show, show 3. Show, prove 4. Guide, lead.
Noun (abbreviation of Noun) 1. Exhibition (conference) 2. perform
Shower/((/n.1. Shower, rainstorm 2. Shower, shower 3. For a while, a lot.
Close /((/v. 1. Close, close 2. (Cause) to stop business.
Shy/((/A. 1。 Shy, shy 2. Timid
Sick /((/A. 1. Sick, sick 2. Nausea and vomiting. Disgusting and boring.
Side/(((/N. 1。 Side, side, side 2. Slope, the third bank. Side, side, side.
Stand on the side of ... ...
Sight/(((/N. 1。 Vision, vision 2. Look, a glimpse of 3. Vision 4. Scenes and wonders
Symbol/((/n.1. Marks, symbols, signs) 2. Track, sign, sign.
Signature (name), department (name)
Signal/(((/n. Signal, code word.
Send a signal, contact with a signal
Sign, sign, sign.
Silence/(((((((/n.1). Silence 2. Quiet, quiet.
Quiet, quiet
Silent, silent.
Silk, silk
Stupid, stupid, boring.
Silver, silverware, silver coins.
Similar, similar.
Simple/(((/a.1. Simple, concise 2. Simple 3. Simple, simple 4. Slow and simple-minded.
Simply/((((/ad.1). Simply and concisely. Complete and simple 3. Only, only four. Simple, simple.
Ever since. Since …, since …
Conj。 1. Since …, since …. Because, since.
Later, since then.
Sing (play) sing.
Single/((((/A. 1。 Single, single 2. Single, single 3. Unmarried, single.
Sink, fall.
water tank
sir/strong(((; Weak ((/n. 1. Sir, sir 2. sir
Sit, make sit, make sit.
Place, place
Situation/((((((((((((/n.1)). Situation, situation 2. Situation, situation 3. Location, place.
Six/(((/num). Six, six (people or things)
sixten/(((((((((/num。 Sixteen, sixteen (person or thing))
Six/((((/num). Sixty, sixty (person or thing))
Size, etc. ) size, (quantity, etc. ) quantity and size
roller skates
skill(l)Ful/((((((()a . 1。 Proficiency 2. Exquisite
Skills/(((/n.1. Skills, skills, skills 2. Proficiency, ability.
Skin/((/n.1. Skin) 2. Animal skin, fur. Skin, shell.
Peel off the skin of. ...
Skirt/((/n.1. Skirt 2. (often ~s) edge, periphery
Sky, weather
Slave, drudgery
Sleep, sleep.
Slice/(((/n. 1。 Slice, slice 2. One copy, part.
Incision ... into pieces
Slight/((/a.1. Slight, tiny 2. Slim, thin.
Slope/(((/n.1. Slope, slope 2. Slope, slope
Tilt (up)
Slow/((/a.1. Slow 2. Slow and inactive.
Slow down, slow down.
Small/((/a.1. Small 2. Less.
Smart/(((/A. 1。 Beautiful and fashionable. Smart, smart.
Smell/((/n.1. Smell, stink 2. Smell.
Verb (abbreviation of verb) 1. Smell, smell, smell 2. Have (or give off) an odor. ...
Smoke/((/n.1. Smoke, smoke 2. Smoke, smoke.
Verb (abbreviation of verb) 1. smoke) 2. smoke
Smooth/((/a.1. Smooth, smooth, flat 2. Smooth, calm, smooth 3. Smooth and harmonious, pleasing to the eye.
It's snowing.
So /((/conj. 1. So, so 2. So, it seems.
Advertising. 1.[ emoticon] So, how come 2. Same, same 3. [emoticon] like this, like that.
Social/((((/a.1). Socialization II. Socialize, socialize
Socialist socialism
A socialist, a socialist
A. socialist
Society/(((((((/n.1). Society, (social) class 2. Societies, associations. Social circle
Socks; socks
Soda/(((/n.1. Soda 2. soda
Soft/((/a.1. Soft, soft 2. Gentleness 3. Gentle and generous 4. No alcohol.
Soil, soil
Dirty, dirty
Soldier, soldier
Unique, unique
sole (of the foot)
Solid/(((/a.1. Solid 2. Solid 3. Solid, firm and reliable.
Solution/((((((((((((/n.1))) 2. Dissolve, solution
Solve, solve
Some/strong (((; Weak ((/a. 1. Some, some, some twos. Some, some.
Pronouns 1. Some, some 2. Some people, some things.
Advertising. 1. About 2. A little, a little.
Someone/((((((() pron)). Someone, someone)
Someone/((((/ad.1). In some way, in some way. 2. Somehow.
Someone/(((() pron. Someone, someone.
Something/(((() pron. Something, something.
Sometimes. Sometime in the future, another day.
Sometimes/(((((((((((/ad). Sometimes, sometimes.
Song /((/n. 1. Song, Song Er. Sing, (insects, birds, etc. ) singing.
Soon/((/ad.1. Soon, soon 2. Good morning, quick.
Sorrow, grief
Sorry/((/a.1. Sadness, anxiety, regret 2. Sorry, sorry 3. Poor, pathetic.
Category, category, category
arrange ...
Sound, noise
Verb (abbreviation of verb) 1. Pronunciation, ring 2. Sounds like ...
A. 1. Healthy and intact. Correct and reasonable 3. Solid, solid and reliable.
Source/(((/n. 1。 Source, root, source 2. Source, source
South, south, south.
A. in, towards or towards the south.
Southern, southern
space/((((/n . 1。 Interval, distance 2. Field, clearing, room 3. Space, space.
Leave room.
Shovel, shovel
Spanish/((((/a.1. Spanish (People) II. Spanish.
Standby/((/a.1. Excess, multiplied by 2. Spare.
Verb (abbreviation of verb) 1. Save, reserve and omit. 2. give up and lead out.
Speak/((/v.1. Talk, talk 2. Say, say three. Go ahead, go ahead.
Special/((((/a.1). Very special 2. Supplement, extra.
Specific/(((((((/a.1). Specific, specific 2. Specific and unique.
Speech/((((/a.1). Speech, speech 2. Speech, speech.
Speed, speed, speed
Verb (the abbreviation of verb) 1. Come on, let's go. Step 2 accelerate.
Flower/((/v.1. Spend, consume, exhaust 2. Spend money and kill people.
Sphere/((/n.1. Sphere (body) 2. Scope, field
spirit/((((((/n . 1。 Spirit, mind II. Courage, ambition 【pl。 ] mood, mood 4. 【pl。 ] alcohol, spirits.
Accustomed to/((/v.1. Destroy, destroy 2. Spoil, spoil
Spoon, spoon
Sport/(((/n. 1。 Sports II. 【pl。 ] sports meeting.
Spot/(((/n. 1。 Stain, stain 2. Location, location.
Verb (abbreviation of verb) 1. Identify, discover, defile, defile. Decorate with creativity.
Spread/((/v./n.1. Open, stretch and expand 2. Spread, spread, spread.
Spring/(((/n. 1。 Spring, spring 2. Jump, jump 3. Spring, source 4. Spring, wind up.
Jump, jump
Square/(((/n. 1。 Square, square 2. Square.
A. 1. square, square 2. square
Verb (abbreviation for verb) 1. Make it square. 2. The square sum area of ...
Stable, stable, fixed.
Cow (sheep) shed
Staff/(((/N. 1。 All personnel, all personnel 2. Long pole, wooden stick 3. Staff organization, all staff.
manning ...
stage/(((((/n . 1。 Stage, drama II. Stage, step, degree.
A stain, a stain
Stain, stain, stain
Stairs, stairs, stairs. ] Business English Stairs
Poke/(((/n.1. Poke 2. Seal 3. Poke 4. Signs, features
Verb (abbreviation of verb) 1. Stamp, trample 2. Poke
Stand/(((/v. 1。 Stand up, stand up 2. Sit, be placed 3. Persist, unchanged 4. Tolerance, patience, resistance.
Table [seat]
Standard, normative and horizontal.
A. Standards
star/((((/n . 1。 (constant) star, celestial body 2. Star, famous hand.
Gaze, stare
Start/(((/v. 1。 At first, set about 2. Go, go 3. Surprise, start.
Noun (short for noun) 1. Go, go, go 2. Start, jump
To starve, starve.
state/((((/n . 1。 Status, situation 2. Country 3. State.
State, explain
Statement /(((((((((/n. 1). Statement, statement 2. Statement, explanation 3. Statement.
Station, station, bureau.
Statue, statue.
Stay/((/v.1. Stay, stay, stay for a while. Keep it, go on. 3. Stop, stop.
Stop, stop, pause
Steady/(((/a.1). Steady, steady, unchanged 2. Be firm and calm.
Stabilize, fix
Steal, steal
Steam, water vapor
Verb (abbreviation of verb)