Pronunciation: English [? n? d? S], beauty [? n? d? Rupee].
Interpretation: vt. Endorsement; Recognition; Sign; Agree; Sign on the back.
I agree with his improvement of the plan.
I agree with his improvement of the plan.
Deformation: past tense, past participle, present participle, third person singular.
Synonym of endorsement
Pronunciation: English [? No. S], beauty [? No. Rupee].
Explanation: V. Signature (on the back of the bill); Endorsement; Guarantee; Recognition; Approval; Agree; Endorsement; Notes.
For example, it is included in advance from denying the existence of the drawee in time and his endorsement ability at that time.
Do not deny the existence of the payee and his right to endorse the holder in time.
Deformation: third person singular: endorsement, present participle: endorsement, past tense: endorsement, past participle: endorsement.
Here he comes. Here he comes. He came in a suit.
The appearance of this person basically means that the richest man in the whole d