The swallows return to their nests and follow me back to Yanbei. Yaner is newly married. The swallows are returning from the pavilion partition. The swallows are sleeping in the evil beams. The swallows are flying in the pavilion. The swallows are pecking at the fragrant mud swallows. They are murmuring and dreaming of returning to Yanziwu. The swallow girl is blowing in the south wind. As light as a swallow, there are swallows in the forest in the north, swallows come back without any plan, temperament, He Xiaoyan, Yan'er, newly married mud, melting swallows, south swallows supporting the building, one day, like swallows whispering, two swallows, only waiting for the return of swallows, south swallows, returning to the north, swallows return, smoke and rain are chaotic, the swallows fly together, the dream dances. The soul's wish is like the sound of swallows on the beam, like swallows flying in the sky, the swallows are contending, the swallows are returning to stay tenderly, the swallows are good at the green mountains, and the swallows are walking together. The purple swallows are alone for several times. With the two swallows, he returns to the east, the isolated island of the swallows, the swallows fly to the north, the swallows fly to the west, and the wine is gone. The two southern swallows plunder the swallow grass like green silk green branches. The swallows return to the nest. *** Appreciate the old times. The swallows are like the eagles on the beams. The swallows return to the nest. Swallows fly around the beams and fly back home