firma s.f.
(1) signature, signature, signature:
falsificare una firma forged signature
apporre la firma ad un documento Sign a document
raccogliere firme collect signatures
(2) (often referred to in the literary and artistic circles and trade circles) reputation, credibility; reputable person:
una grande firma famous writer
(3) Sign, sign:
la firma del trattato di pace sign the peace treaty
sottoporre gli atti alla firma del sindaco Submit the document to the mayor for signature
(4) Authorization to sign on behalf of the company:
avere la firma per la società has the authority to sign on behalf of the company
(5) [Slang ] Soldiers who voluntarily serve for extended periods
★ Common phrases:
Ci farei la firma! [spoken] This is not bad! There's nothing more I could ask for!
Far onore alla propria firma fulfills its responsibilities; fulfills its promise
firma in bianco signs a blank power of attorney, signs a blank power of attorney