Electronic signature refers to the data contained in electronic form in the data message and attached to identify the signer's identity and indicate that the signer recognizes the content.
In layman’s terms, an electronic signature is an electronic signature of an electronic document through cryptographic technology. It is not a digital image of a written signature. It is similar to a handwritten signature or seal. It can also be said to be an electronic seal. . Uses of electronic signatures: Sign electronic versions of Mid-Autumn Festival greeting cards, wedding invitations, and construction contracts.
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From the definition of electronic signature, it can be seen that electronic signature Two basic functions of a signature:
(1) Identify the signer
(2) Show the signer’s recognition of the content
Legal definition of electronic signature Technology neutrality was fully taken into consideration. The regulations on electronic signatures are extracted based on the basic functions of signatures. It is believed that any electronic technical means that meets the basic functions of a signature can be considered an electronic signature.
It can be seen from the definitions of electronic signatures and digital signatures that they are different: electronic signatures are proposed from a legal perspective and are technology-neutral. Any electronic technology means that meets the basic functions of a signature, Both can be called electronic signatures; digital signatures are proposed from a technical perspective and require the use of cryptographic technology. The main purpose is to confirm the source of the data unit and the integrity of the data unit.