1 signature
English? [? ɡn? t? ; Beautiful? [? ɡn? t? r]? ?
Noun (short for noun)? Sign; Book post; Characteristic symbol; Counting signature
He laboriously traced his signature.
He signed his name with difficulty.
2. Temperature
English? 【tempr? t? (r)]; Beautiful? 【tempr? t? r]? ?
Noun (short for noun)? Temperature; Body temperature; Temperature; generate heat
The temperature has been very hot this week.
The temperature has been very hot this week.
3. Maturity
English? 【m? t(r)]; Beautiful? [m? 't? r]? ?
Adjective? Mature; Expired (insurance policy); Deliberate; Five? Mature; Grow to
This is his most mature play.
This is his most mature play.
4. Miniature
English? ['m? n? t? (r)]; Beautiful? ['m? n? t? r]? ?
Adjective? Small; Small scale; n? Thumbnail; Small portrait; Small model
She is like a microcosm of her mother.
She is simply the epitome of her mother.