Phonetic symbol?British ['s?ɡn?t?(r)]???American ['s?ɡn?t?r]??
n.? Signature; signature; distinctive symbol; signature
Bilingual examples
1. He traced his signature laboriously.
He traced his signature laboriously. He signed his name with difficulty.
2. Her signature was an illegible scrawl.
Her signature was illegible.
3. These two signatures are very similar, can you tell them apart?
These two signatures are very similar, can you tell them apart?
< p>4. Convention on the political rights of women, opened for signature in new york on 31. 3. 1953.The "Women's Suffrage Convention" opened for signature in New York on March 31, 1953
5. International convention against the taking of hostages,?opened for signature?in?< /p>
new york on 18. 12. 1979.
The International Convention against the Taking of Hostages was opened for signature in New York on December 18, 1979
6. 3 this convention is open for accession by all states which are not signatory states ?
As from the date it is? open for signature.
This Convention is open to all non-signatory countries from the date it is opened for signature.
7. International convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings, opened for
signature in new york on 12. 1. 1998.
The International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings was opened for signature in New York on January 12, 1998.
8. Convention on the prohibition of the development, production and stockpiling of?
bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons and on their destruction,?opened for?
< p>signature?in london, moscow and washington on 10. 4. 1972.The Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and their Destruction, opened for signature in London, Moscow and Washington on April 10, 1972 Convention on Similar Weapons.
9. 1 this convention is?open for signature?at the concluding meeting of the united?
nations conference on contracts for the international sale of goods and will remain?
open for signature by all states at the headquarters of the united nations, new york?
until 30 september 1981.
This Convention is open for signature at the closing session of the United Nations Conference on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and will remain open for signature at the United Nations Headquarters in New York until day, month, year.