Anita's behavior made many people in the cosmetics industry hate her guts, accusing her of grandstanding, using public sympathy for animals to undermine fair competition and make huge profits for herself. But the animal protection movement is on the rise, and these people dare to be angry and dare not speak. 1989, a committee under the same institution in Europe drafted a directive calling on all member states to protect consumers' health through animal experiments on cosmetics. This is undoubtedly an irresistible force, which is a blow to beauty shops. Anita is in a desperate situation: either slap herself in the face and experiment with animals; Either declare yourself dead and stop producing and selling cosmetics. But Anita is Anita. She showed her courage to stick to her true personality through various media and her own sales network. She launched a campaign of 10,000 signatures and wrote directly to European institutions. She mercilessly attacked the European directive and strongly reiterated her view: I would rather close the door than compromise! Finally, the petition was signed by more than 5 million people, and the EU ordered the revocation of this directive.
Whether it is humane to use animals in experiments has always been a controversial topic in the cosmetics industry. Beauty shops have always been very firmly opposed to cruelty to animals and adhered to the humanitarian spirit. Anita urged people not to buy cosmetics that used animals for experiments, and printed millions of leaflets and distributed them in beauty shops around the world. "She also donated money to the London Alternative Animal Medicine Experimental Foundation.
Anita's actions have made many cosmetics industries hate her, accusing her of grandstanding, taking advantage of public sympathy for animals, undermining fair competition and making huge profits for herself. But the animal protection movement, these people dare to be angry and dare not speak. 1989, a commission of the European community drafted a?