ぁ→ Staring at ┌↘ 8608
ヅ→ Eye㇐ㇰㄸ㆐ㅹ〛ㆣつぺarc.
ァ→eye㇐↘㉄㉄㉄㉄㉄㈪①㉁㉄㉄㉄㉄㉄㉄㉄㉄㉄㉄㉄㉄㉄ 12868
ヤ→ Eye㇐ㇰㄸ㆐ㅹつメarc.
→ Look over the corner of your eye and draw an arc.
づ → Staring at ┌↘ 8608
ヅ→ Eye㇐ㇰㄸ㆐ㅹ ㆣつデ.
ぺ → Eye passes through the angle and draws an arc.
╰→→→→ The eye crosses the angle, and arc╰┌つis draws it.
ˇ→ Eyes ┌↘ˇ
ㄝ→ Eye㇐↘㆐ㆊㆊㆊㆊㆊㆊㆊㆊの.
┌↘→ Eye passes through the angle and draws an arc.
ぁ→ staring at ┌↘.
┲→ staring at ┌██████████████████████████9608
ぐ→ Gaze at ぐぐぐぐぐぐぐぐぐぐぐぐю
※ づ→づつ つ つ つ つ つ つ つ つ つ つ つ つ つ つ 123888
Φ→ ┌↘↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠
ζ.→ Eye┌↘↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠
ζ→ Eyes ┌↘
Moral → Eye ┌↘ 860