Step 1: Open the website of electronic signature making.
First, we need to open an electronic signature making website. At present, there are many such websites on the market, such as signature online, signature producer and so on. Here we take signature online as an example. After opening the signature online website, we can see a page with a blank box above and a "Generate Signature" button below.
Step 2: Make an electronic signature.
Next, we need to start making electronic signatures. Draw your signature in the box with your mouse or finger (if you operate it on your mobile phone). It should be noted here that the size and handwriting of the signature should be moderate, not too exaggerated, nor too small, so as not to affect the beauty and clarity of the signature. When we finish drawing the signature, click the "Generate Signature" button.
Step 3: Download the electronic signature.
After generating the signature, we can see a new page with the electronic signature we just made. In this page, we can make some adjustments to the signature, such as adjusting the size, color, thickness and so on. When we are satisfied, click the "Download Signature" button to save the signature locally.
Step 4: Apply electronic signature.
Finally, we need to apply electronic signature to documents or files that need to be signed. This process is relatively simple. Open the document or file to be signed, find the location of the signature, and then insert the local electronic signature into the document.