position on the court: goalkeeper
date of birth: October 11, 1985
Liu Jindong (No.2)
position on the court: defender
date of birth: December 9, 1981
fabiano (No.4) < p
position on the court: defender
birthday: July 23rd, 1984
Zhou Haibin (No.6)
position on the court: midfielder
birthday: July 19th, 1985
Kelvin Cui (No.7)
position on the court: avant-garde
location on the court: striker
birthday: September 13th, 1983
Obina (No.1)
location on the court: striker
birthday: January 31st, 1983
wangtong (No.11)
location on the court: defender <
location on the court: goalkeeper
date of birth: October 15th, 1987
Gaudi (No.13)
location on the court: striker
date of birth: January 6th, 199
Mure Amat Tijiang (No.14)
location on the court: avant-garde <
position on the court: defender
birthday: November 25th, 1985
Zheng Zheng (16th)
position on the court: defender
birthday: July 11th, 1989
Hao Junmin (17th)
position on the court: avant-garde
On-court position: Zhong Qianwei
Birthday: September 12, 198
Zhang Chi (No.19)
On-court position: defender
Birthday: July 1987
Wang Gang (No.2)
On-court position:
Birthday: 1989.
On-court position: Avant-garde
Birthday: March 18th, 1985
Lv Zheng (24th)
On-court position: Avant-garde
Birthday: February 5th, 1985
Liu Yang (25th)
On-court position: defender
Position on the field: midfielder
Birthday: February 26th, 199
Ma Xingyu (28th)
Position on the field: midfielder
Birthday: November 4th, 1989
massena (29th)
Position on the field: avant-garde
location on the court: goalkeeper
birthday: July 6, 1989
Yang Chen (No.34)
location on the court: striker
birthday: November 1, 1991
Dannier (No.35)
location on the court: avant-garde