How to tell whether basketball shoes are centers, forwards or guards?
Center shoes have the highest upper and the best protection for ankles. Adidas center shoes mostly use bounce cushioning and A Cub three-dimensional modules, which are the transparent ones behind KG3 shoes. Adi's striker shoes also use this kind, and AdiPrene+ cushioning glue is also used. The striker's shoes are lighter than those in the middle, while the defender's shoes are easier to divide. AdiPrene+ cushioning glue+low top or middle top is such a configuration, and Nike is easy to distinguish. MAX AIR series air cushion is the purest center shoe. The power forward shoe is almost the same as the center shoe, while the small forward shoe adopts zoom Air or Air Sole air cushion, and the guard shoe adopts front and back palm segmented zoom air cushion or semi-palm Zoom air cushion. According to the upper, the highest is the center shoe, which is almost the same as the power forward shoe. The small forward shoe and shooting guard shoe are mainly middle-upper, and the point guard shoe is mainly low-upper.