1, shoe box: confirm the size of the shoe box. Shoes with blue and orange edges are usually signature or special edition sneakers. Imitation shoes on the market rarely make such colors and patterns.
2, tongue: pay attention to the embroidery on the tongue, genuine letter brother 5 tongue embroidery is full and detailed, while imitation shoe embroidery is rough and simple.
3, toe cap: the toe cap of the letter brother 5 is relatively wide. From the outside of the shoe, the toe is full of radians. The toe of imitation shoes is relatively narrow and the radian is not obvious.
4. Midsole: The genuine midsole is fine and regular, and there is no glue overflow. The midsole of imitation shoes is rough, irregular and even overflows.
5. Insole: There will be a "NIKE" logo on the genuine insole, but not on the insole of imitation shoes.