Processor Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3.10GHz
Motherboard ASUS P8H61-M LX3 (Intel H61 Chipset)
Memory Samsung Samsung DDR3 1600 4GB Samsung Green energy-saving desktop memory
Main hard drive Western Digital WDC WD5000AAKX-001CA0 (500 GB / 7200 rpm)
Graphics card MSI MSI R6570 Blizzard V5 1G D3/LP graphics card (Radeon HD6570 chip Group/1024M/GDDR3)
Monitor AOC TPV e2250Swd 21.5-inch widescreen LCD monitor
Optical drive Pioneer DVR-219CHV DVD burner (24X/SATA) black
CPU AMD AthlonII >
Memory Samsung DDR3 1600 4GB Samsung green energy-saving desktop memory
Main hard drive Western Digital WDC WD5000AAKX-001CA0 (500 GB / 7200 rpm)
Video card MSI MSI R6570 Blizzard V5 1G D3/LP graphics card (Radeon HD6570 chipset/1024M/GDDR3)
Monitor AOC TPV e2250Swd 21.5-inch widescreen LCD monitor
Optical drive Pioneer Pioneer DVR-219CHV DVD burner ( 24X/SATA) black
The Intel processor may be a bit higher, but it won’t exceed 3500
AMD’s is around 3000
The poster wants to go If you buy it in a mall, you have to worry about getting ripped off. What you need to pay special attention to is that the price of each item is different even if the model number is missing. If you bring your own configuration, he may say that some don't have it and you have to prepare a few spare ones yourself. Because if he thinks it's not profitable, he will trick you into replacing accessories. The poster can go to and to select accessories with marked prices to avoid going to the malls to be ripped off. The prices on these two websites are generally the market price and sometimes are lower than the market price. Hope you have a happy purchase