//Set product key function
HRESULT SetLicenseKey(LPCSTR lpcsKey);
//Generate the signed License file function, first call CFileReadWrite:: CreateFile, and then call
//CDictionary::AddInfoToDic to generate the dictionary, and then extract the information from the dictionary and call
HRESULT CreateLicenseFile (LPCSTR lpcsPath);
//Get device signature function, SN+key->MD5
HRESULT GetEsnInfo(CString& strEsn);
//License File authentication function, in this function first call SetLicenseFilePath to set the License file location
//Then call SetProductKey, call GetFileSectionNUM, then call SetDictionaryNum, then call InitDictionary(),
//Then Write the read License information into the dictionary
HRESULT VerifyLicenseFile(LPCSTR lpcsPath);
//Get the license segment number function and take the value of CDictionary::m_iDicCount
HRESULT GetSectionCount(UINT& uiNum);
//To get the number of nodes in the section, call CDictionary::GetKeyInfo
HRESULT GetKeyCount(UINT uiID, UINT& uiKeyNum); p>
//The function to get the node name, call CDictionary::GetKeyI
HRESULT GetKeyInfo(UINT uiID, UINT uiIndex, CString& strKey);
//Get the node information Corresponding value function, call CDictionary::GetKeyValue
HRESULT GetKeyValue(UINT uiID, UINT uiIndex, CString& strValue);
//Call to set the number of sections in the license file when generating a license , call CDictionary::SetDictionaryNum to implement
HRESULTSetSectionCount(UINTuiCount);//This function initializes the dictionary together;
//Set the nodes and nodes in each section in the License file Its value function, this interface function calls
//AddInfoToDic in the class CDictionary to implement and generate a dictionary
HRESULT SetKeyValue(UINT uiID, LPCSTR lpcsKey, LPCSTR lpcsValue);