Check the address of nto service at 1. Linux, and can execute ntpq-p for query.
2. Or you can check the ntp configuration file:/etc/ntp.conf.
Execute more/etc/ntp.conf|grepserver.
In this configuration file, the IP address or domain name of the upper ntp server of NTP service is generally recorded.
3. Or check the history, because sometimes it is similar to or So you can query directly through the history.
Does linux check whether the port of ntp server is open?
NTP is a service for synchronizing computer time. It is managed by ntpd service in linux. Under the condition that the ntpd service is started normally, the NTP service will synchronize the time through UDP 123 port. You can use the following command to check the port occupancy:
Ss-unlp|grepntp, if there is an echo, the port displays 123, indicating that the ntp service port has been opened.
Linux to see which ip is logged on to this device?
Mine: Linux can check the logged-in devices, execute who commands, and check the IP addresses of terminals or clients connected to the system.
How does linux view databases?
First, enter the following command: MySQL-uroot-p.
Enter the root password to enter mysql.
1, display database
Display database;
2. Select a database
Use database name;
3. Display the tables in the database
Display form;
4. Display the structure of the data table
Describe the table name;
5. Display the records in the table.
SELECT*FROM table name
6. Establish a database
Createdatabse library name;
What is the function of ipa to check network card information?
A. function: check ip, and check network card information in Linux system.
Supplementary note: You can set the status of network devices or display the current settings.
A. Role: View the contents in the current directory., check the contents in the root directory.
C. relative path: by. Or? Start calculating the path from the current directory to the target directory.
Absolute path: the path from the root directory to the target directory. View all files in the current directory, including hidden files. view the details of the file, ls-l-> ll output detailed file information in reverse order.
3. Disabled people
A. Function: View the path (absolute path) of the current directory relative to the root directory.
4. CD
A. role: switching directories
B. Common commands
Cd/: switch to the root directory cd~: switch to the home directory.
Cd- path: switch from the current directory to the target directory.
Ctrl+c: 1。 Reset the current input.
2. End the foreground process
Ctrl+a: Return to the beginning of the command.
Ctrl+insert: copying
Shift+insert: paste
Step 5 touch
A. create a new file
A. Create a new directory
B.mkdir-p: You can create folders with multiple directory structures.
A. Function: Delete files or folders
Recursive deletion
C.rm-i: Prompt whether each operation is executed.
D.rm-rf: recursive forced deletion
E.* is a wildcard, which means to delete all.
F.rm can be used with * to match different file names or suffixes. If rm* means deleting files in the current directory, rm-r* means deleting all files or folders in the current directory.
The ancients said: everything is prepared, and if it is not prepared, it will be abolished. In order to make prog