RPM package manager [1]
Redhat package manager
English interpretation: RPM package manager
Note: A tool for packaging and installing Internet download packages is included in some Linux distributions. It uses. RPM extension. Similar to Dpkg.
RPM is the abbreviation of RedHat package manager. Although the name of this file format is marked with the logo of red hat, its original design concept is open, and now it has been adopted by distributed versions of Linux, including OpenLinux, S.u.S.E and Turbo Linux, which can be regarded as a recognized industry standard.
It is the easiest to install RPM files in Linux system. Take the famous image processing software XV as an example, and its RPM package XV-3.10a-13.i386.rpm can be downloaded from the home page of the program.
In Terminal, the basic installation instructions are as follows:
rpm-I XV-3. 10a- 13 . i386 . rpm
If your internet speed is fast enough, you can also install the application software directly from the network, just add the appropriate URL path before the file name of the software.
As a software package management tool, RPM manages the data of all RPM program components installed in the system. We can also use RPM to uninstall related applications.
rpm -e xv
Commonly used parameters of RPM also include:
-VH: shows the installation progress;
-u: upgrade the software package;
-qpl: lists the file information in the RPM software package;
-qpi: lists the description information of the RPM software package;
-qf: Find which RPM package the specified file belongs to;
-VA: Check all RPM packages and find the missing files;
-QA: find the corresponding file, such as rpm -qa mysql.
3 main function editing
Install, uninstall, upgrade and manage software.
Component query function
Verification function
Import, Verification and Release of Digital Signatures of Software Packages GPG and MD5
Software package dependency processing
Select install
Network remote installation function