According to the process of subject three exam, candidates need to sign the report card after the exam, and then candidates can see what their grades are. However, in some areas, subject three failed in the exam, and there is no need to confirm. At this time, if you don't confirm the results, you can check online.
There are five appointments for the road driving skills test in subject 3. You can take the exam once and make up the exam once after making an appointment, which means that /2*** has ten chances. If you don't take the make-up exam or the make-up exam is still unqualified, you should make an appointment again. If the fifth appointment exam is still unqualified, the scores of other subjects that have passed the exam will be invalid, and students need to take the exam again from this subject.
The distance between cars is different under different road conditions and different speed. The general principle is that the front and rear cars must keep a safe distance. That is, when the preceding vehicle slows down or brakes, there is enough safe distance between the two vehicles, so that the driver of the following vehicle has enough time to react and take braking measures.
Pay attention to subject 3 of driving test
1. The lighting simulation exam is an item that can't be ignored in the course of the third exam. After the lighting simulation test begins, students need to complete the lighting conversion within 5 seconds after the instruction is issued. After the lighting test, they need to turn off the lights.
2. After the preparatory work is completed, the students need to start the operation, shift into first gear, turn on the turn signal, observe the left and right traffic conditions through the rearview mirror, and gently lift the clutch after confirming safety. When in the semi-linkage state, the startup operation is completed. When starting the operation, try not to turn off the engine and start it smoothly.
3. Pay attention to the road conditions during the exam, including vehicles, pedestrians and intersections in front, and make correct judgments and decisions in time. 4. Pay attention to the use of various control devices of the vehicle, including steering wheel, throttle and brake. , to keep the vehicle running smoothly.