After winning the lottery for convertible bonds, the best way is to wait for payment and sell on the market. Cash is king. This is the operation process after winning the lottery for convertible bonds. After winning the bid for the convertible bond, you will definitely receive the winning message. After receiving the convertible bond message, immediately log in to the securities account and check whether the securities account has sufficient payment amount. One convertible bond is worth 1,000 yuan, two is worth 2,000 yuan, and so on; if you win two lots at once, you must have 2,000 yuan in your securities account. After winning the lot, the money will be automatically deducted. Investors Just keep enough payment amount.
After the convertible bond is paid, you don’t have to do anything or view any information on the road. You just need to choose this convertible bond. You'll first know whenever this convertible bond becomes available, usually within 15 days to 30 days. You just have to wait. Convertible bonds are suitable for short-term, medium-term and long-term investments. For newly listed convertible bonds, if they surge, it is best to cover your position on the breakout. As long as it breaks and dares to fall, it dares to cover its position, adhering to the principle of covering more as it falls, or following the fixed investment model. In the long run, it will be profitable.
When investors win the bid for convertible bonds, the best way is to be prepared to pay the amount, wait for deductions, wait for listing, and wait for high selling and stop-loss profits after listing, the bag is safe, and cash is king. Convertible bonds are a unique type of securities listed in China. From the perspective of financial logic, convertible bonds actually have the dual attributes of bonds and options. They can be held as bonds and wait for the repayment of principal and interest at maturity; convertible bonds can also be converted into formal stocks within the scope allowed by the rules. . Therefore, convertibles appear to have the defensive qualities of bonds and the offensive qualities of options. But everything has two sides, and so do convertible bonds. Since convertible bonds have the dual attributes of bonds and options, their pricing also has dual transaction costs of financial products.
So to some extent, if investors hold it as a bond, their future returns will not be as high as other pure bonds. If investors operate as stock options, the impact is lower than pure stock options, but the returns may be relatively lower. Receiving a notification of convertible bonds depends on whether there are remaining funds in their account. If the funds are insufficient, they are quickly replenished (one signature is 1,000 yuan, two signatures leave enough 2,000 yuan). If the funds are sufficient, they will be deducted on the day. If the funds are insufficient, it is equivalent to giving up the visa. There are only three things of this kind. If you give up the qualification to win the lottery three times in a row, you will be disqualified from winning the lottery in the future. Don't worry after successful purchase, pay attention to the listing time. There will generally be an obvious rise on the day after listing, with bullish calls almost selling. If there is a trading limit, wait for the second or third day to sell. Generally speaking, winning the lottery will bring you two to three hundred yuan, and some are more, so winning the lottery is a good thing. Several times a year can be considered a few A small meal of meat.