1. Open a text editor or notepad program and enter
& lthtml & gt
& lthead & gt& lt/head & gt;
& ltbody & gt& lt/body & gt;
& lt/html & gt;
In ...
& ltscript type = " text/JavaScript " & gt;
& lt/script & gt;
In ...
Function matching ()
Alert ("This window is a dialog box!" )
4. Then, define a function named queren () to pop up a confirmation box:
Function queren ()
Var se=confirm ("Please click a button!" );
if (se==true)
Alert ("You pressed OK");
Alert ("You pressed Cancel");
5. Continue to define another function tishi (), which is used to pop up a prompt box in the webpage.
Function tishi ()
Var t=prompt ("Please enter your name", "King Vision")
If (t! = null & amp& ampt! ="")
Document.write ("Wonderful MV is here," +t+ "! Your world ")
6, after the function definition, in
& lt input type = "button" onclick = "duihua ()" value = "Click to display the dialog box"/>
& lt input type = "button" onclick = "queren ()" value = "Click to display the confirmation box"/>
& lt input type = "button" onclick = "tishi ()" value = "Click to display the prompt box"/>
7. Save the file, open it with ie browser, click the corresponding button, and the corresponding dialog box will pop up.