Method 1 of adding bookmarks in word:
Step 1: Open word2007 and enter the following two paragraphs in it talk.
Step 2: For example, if you want to insert the bookmark in front of the second paragraph, position the cursor there first.
Then click "Insert" on the menu bar above Word
Step 3: Enter the name of the bookmark in the pop-up dialog box, enter "First Bookmark", and click "Add"
Method 2 of adding bookmarks in word:
Step 1: First open the word document editor and enter the main interface
Step 2: Select a location in the word document, and then click on the toolbar Insert button
Step 3: In the insert menu option interface, click the bookmark button
Step 4: In the pop-up bookmark interface, enter the bookmark name, click the Add button to complete the bookmark Add operation
Step 5: Of course, you can also click the bookmark name, and then click the delete operation on the interface to complete the deletion of the bookmark
Step 6: After the bookmark is added, if you want to locate Go to the bookmark position, still go to the bookmark interface, click the name of the bookmark you want to view, and then click the locate button to go to the corresponding word position