Generally, there will be paid and graded. The higher the rank, the better the treatment. Others can give you clothes, bags, hand-painted shoes, badges, masks, necklaces and rings. Of course, you can buy it under normal circumstances. There are also signed posters and CDs, and you can also pay for albums and occasionally give gifts to stars, which are generally kept by the management team. If you organize a concert, you can buy light sticks and make a flag sign. Like the Wenchuan earthquake, it is also used for donations.
In addition, if you have a high level, you are the first choice to attend the concert. Well-known high-level support clubs can also meet, interview and give gifts to idols alone. The signatures of the photos are all small CASE, and some give their uniforms to idols. So when an idol appears in his own uniform, then you and he are wearing one! Kim HeeChul of SJ often wears clothes and pants sent by her fans, as well as masks and backpacks, which can be seen in airports and programs, and the petals are super moving.