Author丨NGA: y413044770
The data sources are wowfan database, indescribable servers, old posts and articles, etc. There are still a lot of missing information and Error message, please correct it!
TBC news summary
P1 opens Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair
P2 opens Arena Season 1, Serpent Temple, Storm Fortress
P3 opens Arena Season 2, Mount Hyjal, Dark Temple
P4 opens Arena Season 3 and Zul'Aman, P5 opens Arena Season 4 and Sunwell
The table corresponds to the P1 phase update, and the red text indicates this phase. Unlocked content (or suspected), the reference information is the content update log of historical TBC, please refer to the actual situation of the classic server.
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