02020202020202020202 The minutes of the shareholders' meeting, the signature list of shareholders attending the meeting, and the power of attorney attending the shareholders' meeting shall be kept together, which are the original materials and necessary legal certificates of the shareholders' meeting.
02020202020202020202 Shareholders of a joint stock limited company have the right to know about the company, and clearly have the right to consult the articles of association, minutes of shareholders' general meeting and financial and accounting reports, and make suggestions or questions about the company's operation. This is a concrete way for shareholders to participate in the management of the company, that is, in addition to participating in the general meeting of shareholders to exercise the right to vote on resolutions, shareholders can also have the right to make suggestions and inquire about the company's operation. The company should respect these two rights of shareholders, take their suggestions seriously and answer their questions. Of course, shareholders can make suggestions and questions about the company's operation, but this does not mean that shareholders can directly ask about the company's affairs and dominate the company's property. This kind of management is the embodiment of internal democracy in the company.