1. The meaning of -ture noun suffix: indicates behavior, the results of behavior and things related to behavior.
2. Examples:
coverture n. Protection; cover; cover; the legal status of a married woman.
expenditure n. Expenditure, spending; funds, consumption amount.
Fixture n. Equipment; fixed device; something fixed somewhere that is unlikely to move.
Mixture n. Mix; mixture; mixture.
signature n. signature; signature; signal. Extended information
For example:
The word "pressure" consists of two parts:
1. First of all, its root is press, which means to press or To force means to squeeze or force.
Words containing this root include:
Compress compression: com to strengthen + press to squeeze.
Express expression: ex + press, force = squeeze out (thoughts) = express.
Depression: depression + ion represents a noun.
2. The second part is a noun suffix ure, which expresses a state, situation or the result of an action;
Like the suffixes -ure, -ture, -ature, -iture. All are nouns, "behavior, the result of behavior, or things related to behavior."
For example:
Measure: measure + -ure noun suffix; this word can be converted into a verb.
Mixture mixture: mix+-ture noun suffix, indicating substance.
Signature: signature + nature behavior, the result of behavior, and things related to behavior.