2. Then open the sample software and enter the asset directory.
3. Unzip configlua and several other lua files inside.
4. Open the lua decryptor, enter the path, and then click the first button OK. Lua decryptor can be described as MT in lua, which is equivalent to decompiling mt manager.
5. At this time, open the output lua, find that it has been decrypted, and look for the judgment sentence in the main lua; Then it is easy to find that the main code is concentrated in alua.
6. The term "equal to" in the condition was changed to "not equal to" and a password was entered.
7. Save and exit, open FusionApp, create a new project, move this file to the project folder of the main directory project, enter FusionApp, select the package button, then open the installation package, find lua, and then replace the original Lua file in the software.