The following code can be used to click on the page to obtain the id of the clicked element$(document).click(function(e)?{?//?Click anywhere on the page to trigger this event$( ).attr("id");//? indicates the clicked target
The sample code is as follows
Create Html element< div?class="box">
After clicking on the page, set the background color of the clicked element and obtain its id:
Set css style{width:300px;padding:20px;margin:20px;border:4px? dashed?#ccc;}{color:#999;font-style:italic;}
div.content{width:250px;margin:10px? 0;padding:20px;border:2px?solid?#ff6666;}
div.content?div{min-width:20px;min-height:20px;padding:30px;border:1px?solid ?#446699;background:#ffffff;}
Write jquery code $(function(){
< p> $(document).click(function?(e)?{$('bg');?//?Set the background color
alert($('id'));?//?Get id
Observe Effect
Initial state
Click on the div with the ID test2