1. Regarding the topic: Do not leave a blank title. This is the most disrespectful thing. The title should be short and not lengthy.
2. Regarding salutations and greetings: Address the recipient appropriately and use appropriate standards. Pay attention to the formatting issues. The title should be written in the top of the first line. It is best to have a greeting at the beginning and end of the email. The simplest way is to write "HI" at the beginning, or "Hello" or "Hello" in Chinese. The greeting at the beginning is to write the title with two spaces on the next line. It is common to write Best Regards at the end. In Chinese, it is enough to write "Wish you good luck". If you are an elder, you should use "Best Regards".
3. About the text: The email text should be concise and fluent. Pay attention to the argumentative tone of the email. Lists such as 1234 are often used in the email body to make it clear. Convey complete information in one email.
4. Regarding the signature at the end: Each email should be signed at the end so that the other party can clearly know the sender's information.