Start → Run → Command} Collection
Start → Run → Command} Assemble! Press start-run, or press WIN+R and enter:
% temp %- Open temporary folder.
. -c: \ documents and settings \ folder where the user name is located.
.. -C:\ Documents and Settings
... my computer.
-drive c.
Appwize.cpl-Add and Remove Programs.
Cmd-cmd command prompt
Command-CMD command prompt.
Chkdsk.exe-Chkdsk disk check
Certmgr.msc-certificate management utility
Calc- start the calculator.
Charmap- Starts the character mapping table.
Cliconfg-SQL SERVER client network utility
Clipbrd-clipboard viewer
Control-Open the control panel.
CONF- start a network conference.
Master of Computer Management
Cleanmgr-garbage disposal
Ciadv.msc-indexing service program
Check DirectX information.
Drwtsn32-System Doctor
device manager
DFRG。 Disk defragmenter
Diskmgmt.msc-disk management tool
DCOMNFG- open the system component service.
DDE sharing-open DDE*** to enjoy the settings.
Dvd player -DVD player
Eventvwr-Event Viewer
Eudcedit- word formation program
Browser-Opens the browser.
Fsmgmt.msc-*** * Enjoy the Folder Manager
Gpedit.msc-group policy
Iexpress-Trojan binding tool, the system comes with it.
Lusrmgr.msc-local users and groups
Logout-Logout command.
Mem。 Exe- displays memory usage.
Msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility
Mplayer2-Simple widnows Media Player
drawing board
MSTSC- Remote Desktop Connection
Magnifying glass tool
MMC- Open the console.
Synchronization command
Nslookup-IP address detector
Start the x service.
Net stop X- stop x service.
Notepad-Open Notepad.
NSLookup- Network Management Tools Wizard
Narrator-screen "Narrator"
Ntbackup-system backup and restore
Ntmsmgr.msc-mobile storage manager
Ntmsoprq.msc-Mobile Storage Administrator Operation Request
Command check interface.
OSK- Open the on-screen keyboard.
Odbcad32-ODBC data source manager
Oobe/msoobe /a- check whether XP is activated.
Packager-Object Packaging
Perfmon.msc-computer performance monitoring program
project manager
Registry Edit-Registry
Rsop.msc-group policy result set
Regedt32-Registry Editor
Rononce-p- 15 seconds off.
regsvr32 /? -Call and uninstall the DLL file to be run (please enter regsvr32/? )
Services.msc-local service settings
Create a briefcase
System configuration editor
File signature verification program
Sndvol32-Volume Control Program
Shrpubw-Create a * * shared folder.
Secpol.msc-local security policy
Syskey- system encryption (once encrypted, it can't be unlocked, which protects the double password of windows xp system).
Services.msc-local service settings
Sfc.exe system file checker
Sfc /scannow-windows file protection
Shutdown-shutdown command (please enter shutdown/? See cmd for details. )
Tsshutdn-60-second countdown shutdown command
Tourstart-xp xp introduces XP (roaming XP program after installation)
Taskmgr- task manager
Utliman-Assistant Tool Manager
Winver- check the Windows version.
Wmimgmt.msc-Open Window Management Architecture (WMI).
Wupdmgr-windows updater
Wscript-windows Script Host Settings
writting tablet
Winmsd- system information
Wiaacmgr-Scanner and Camera Wizard
Winchat-XP comes with LAN chat.
Enter cmd in the start run.
Then, use the task list to view the process.
Use taskkill to end the process.
The specific usage of these two commands can be used with tasklist/? And taskkill/? View.
Non-Microsoft task manager, recommend ice blade, which is one of the most powerful system viewing tools.
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I have seen so many Windows commands on the Internet, but I don't actually use many. Here I list some commonly used (at least my commonly used) for you to see!
Master of Computer Management
Stop the messenger service.
CONF- start a network conference.
Dvd player -DVD player
Charmap- Starts the character mapping table.
Diskmgmt.msc-disk management tool
Calc- start the calculator.
DFRG。 Disk defragmenter
Chkdsk.exe-Chkdsk disk check
device manager
Regsvr32/u *。 Stop running the dll file.
Drwtsn32-System Doctor
Check DirectX information.
Regedt32-Registry Editor
Msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility
Rsop.msc-group policy result set
Mem。 Exe- displays memory usage.
Regedit.exe Registry
Winchat-XP comes with LAN chat.
project manager
Winmsd- system information
Perfmon.msc-computer performance monitoring program
Winver- check the Windows version.
Sfc /scannow-Scan for errors and recover.
Taskmgr-Task Manager (2000/XP/2003)
Gpedit.msc-group policy
Nslookup-IP address detector
Browser-Opens the browser.
Logout-Logout command.
Tsshutdn-60-second countdown shutdown command
Lusrmgr.msc-local users and groups
Services.msc-local service settings
Oobe/msoobe/a- check whether XP is activated.
Notepad-Open Notepad.
Cleanmgr-garbage disposal
Start messenger service.
A complete set of windows running commands.
Winver checks the Windows version.
Dxdiag checks DirectX information
Mem.exe shows the memory usage.
Sndvol32 volume control program
Sfc.exe system file checker
Gpedit.msc group policy
Regedit.exe registry
Msconfig.exe system configuration utility
Cmd.exe cmd command prompt
Chkdsk.exe chkdsk disk check
Mem.exe shows the memory usage.
Gpedit.msc group policy
Regedit.exe registry
Msconfig.exe system configuration utility
Cmd.exe cmd command prompt
Services.msc service
Lusrmgr.msc local account management
Drwtsn32 system doctor
Cleanmgr garbage disposal
Iexpress Trojan binding tool, the system comes with it.
Mmc console
Dcpromo active directory installation
Ntbackup system backup and restore
Rononce -p 15 seconds off
Taskmgr task manager
The meeting started a network meeting.
Devmgmt.msc device manager
Disk manager of diskgmtt.mscnt
Master of Science in Computer Management
Winchat LAN chat
DVD player
Mplayer2 Simple widnows Media Player
Mspaint sketchpad
Nslookup network management tool
Syskey system encryption, once encrypted, can not be unlocked, protecting the double password of windows xp system.
Wupdmgr WIDNOWS update
Clipboard viewer
Odbcad32 ODBC data source manager
Nslookup IP address detector
Responder: Sleepless Sleepwalker-Great Magician Level 810-1315: 57.
Complete set of running commands
Winver- check the Windows version.
Wmimgmt.msc-Open the windows management architecture.
Wupdmgr-windows updater
Winver- check the Windows version.
Wmimgmt.msc-Open the windows management architecture.
Wupdmgr-windows updater
Wscript-windows Script Host Settings
Write-WordPad winmsd-system information
Wiaacmgr-Scanner and Camera Wizard
Winchat-XP comes with LAN chat.
Mem。 Exe- displays memory usage.
Msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility
Mplayer2-Simple widnows Media Player
drawing board
MSTSC- Remote Desktop Connection
Mplayer2-Media Player
Magnifying glass tool
MMC- Open the console.
Synchronization command
Check DirectX information.
Drwtsn32-System Doctor
device manager
DFRG。 Disk defragmenter
Diskmgmt.msc-disk management tool
DCOMNFG- open the system component service.
DDE sharing-open DDE*** to enjoy the settings.
Dvd player -DVD player
Stop the messenger service.
Start messenger service.
Notepad-Open Notepad.
NSLookup- Network Management Tools Wizard
Ntbackup-system backup and restore
Narrator-screen "Narrator"
Ntmsmgr.msc-mobile storage manager
Ntmsoprq.msc-Mobile Storage Administrator Operation Request
Netstat-an-(tc) command to check the interface.
Create a briefcase
System configuration editor
File signature verification program
Shrpubw-Create a * * shared folder.
Secpol.msc-local security policy
Syskey-system encryption, once encrypted, it cannot be unlocked, which protects the double password of windows xp system.
Services.msc-local service settings
Sndvol32-Volume Control Program
Sfc.exe system file checker
Sfc /scannow-windows file protection
Tsshutdn-60-second countdown shutdown command
Tourstart-xp xp introduces XP (roaming XP program after installation)
Taskmgr- task manager
Eventvwr-Event Viewer
Eudcedit- word formation program
Browser-Opens the browser.
Packager-Object Packaging
Perfmon.msc-computer performance monitoring program
project manager
Regedit.exe Registry
Rsop.msc-group policy result set
Regedt32-Registry Editor
Rononce-p- 15 seconds off.
Regsvr32/u *。 Stop running the dll file.
Zippfldr. dll-Cancel postal code support.
Cmd.exe command prompt
Chkdsk.exe-Chkdsk disk check
Certmgr.msc-certificate management utility
Calc- start the calculator.
Charmap- Starts the character mapping table.
Cliconfg-SQL SERVER client network utility
Clipbrd-clipboard viewer
CONF- start a network conference.
Master of Computer Management
Cleanmgr-* * finishing
Ciadv.msc-indexing service program
OSK- Open the on-screen keyboard.
Odbcad32-ODBC data source manager
Oobe/msoobe/a- check whether XP is activated.
Lusrmgr.msc-local users and groups
Logout-Logout command.
Iexpress-Trojan binding tool, the system comes with it.
Nslookup-IP address detector
Fsmgmt.msc-*** * Enjoy the Folder Manager
Utliman-Assistant Tool Manager
Gpedit.msc-group policy
Interviewee: Baba Fish-Magician 1 1 Grade10-1315: 58.
[Classic] A large collection of running commands.
Super full! Windows run command set world)
Text/Liu Ting finishing
Run in the Start menu is a shortcut to this program. After entering a specific command, we can quickly open most Windows programs and use them skillfully, which will bring us a lot of convenience.
Winver checks the Windows version.
Wmimgmt.msc opens the Windows Management Architecture (wmi).
Wupdmgr Windows update program
Wscript Windows script host settings
writting tablet
Winmsd system information
Wiaacmgr Scanner and Camera Wizard
Winchat xp comes with LAN chat.
Mem.exe shows the memory usage.
Msconfig.exe system configuration utility
Mplayer2 Simple widnows Media Player
Mspaint sketchpad
Mstsc remote desktop connection
Mplayer2 media player
Magnifying glass tool
Mmc, open the console.
Synchronization command
Dxdiag checks directx information
Drwtsn32 system doctor
Devmgmt.msc device manager
Disk defragmenter
Diskmgmt.msc disk management tool
Dcomcnfg opens the system component service
Ddeshare opens dde*** to enjoy the settings.
Dvd player
Network stop messenger stop messenger service.
Net start messenger starts the messenger service.
Notepad. Open Notepad.
Nslookup Network Management Tools Wizard
Ntbackup system backup and restore
Narrator screen "Narrator"
Ntmsmgr.msc mobile storage manager
Ntmsoprq.msc Mobile Storage Administrator Operation Request
The netstat -an (tc) command checks the interface.
Syncapp creates a briefcase.
System configuration editor
File signature verification program
Sndrec32 recorder
Shrpubw creates a * * * shared folder.
Local security strategy of secpol.msc
Syskey system encryption, once encrypted, can not be unlocked, protecting the double password of Windows xp system.
Services.msc local service settings
Sndvol32 volume control program
Sfc.exe system file checker
Sfc /scannow windows file protection
Winver- check the Windows version.
Wmimgmt.msc-Open Window Management Architecture (WMI).
Wupdmgr-windows updater
Wscript-windows Script Host Settings
writting tablet
Winmsd- system information
Wiaacmgr-Scanner and Camera Wizard
Winchat-XP comes with LAN chat.
Mem。 Exe- displays memory usage.
Msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility
Mplayer2-Simple widnows Media Player
drawing board
MSTSC- Remote Desktop Connection
Mplayer2-Media Player
Magnifying glass tool
MMC- Open the console.
Synchronization command
Check DirectX information.
Drwtsn32-System Doctor
device manager
DFRG。 Disk defragmenter
Diskmgmt.msc-disk management tool
DCOMNFG- open the system component service.
DDE sharing-open DDE*** to enjoy the settings.
Dvd player -DVD player
Stop the messenger service.
Start messenger service.
Notepad-Open Notepad.
NSLookup- Network Management Tools Wizard
Ntbackup-system backup and restore
Narrator-screen "Narrator"
Ntmsmgr.msc-mobile storage manager
Ntmsoprq.msc-Removable Storage Administrator * makes a request.
Netstat-an-(tc) command to check the interface.
Create a briefcase
System configuration editor
File signature verification program
Shrpubw-Create a * * shared folder.
Secpol.msc-local security policy
Syskey-system encryption, once encrypted, it cannot be unlocked, which protects the double password of windows xp system.
Services.msc-local service settings
Sndvol32-Volume Control Program
Sfc.exe system file checker
Sfc /scannow-windows file protection
Tsshutdn-60-second countdown shutdown command
Tourstart-xp xp introduces XP (roaming XP program after installation)
Taskmgr- task manager
Eventvwr-Event Viewer
Eudcedit- word formation program
Browser-Opens the browser.
Packager-Object Packaging
Perfmon.msc-computer performance monitoring program
project manager
Regedit.exe Registry
Rsop.msc-group policy result set
Regedt32-Registry Editor
Rononce-p- 15 seconds off.
Regsvr32/u *。 Stop running the dll file.
Zippfldr. dll-Cancel postal code support.
Cmd.exe command prompt
Chkdsk.exe-Chkdsk disk check
Certmgr.msc-certificate management utility
Calc- start the calculator.
Charmap- Starts the character mapping table.
Cliconfg-SQL SERVER client network utility
Clipbrd-clipboard viewer
CONF- start a network conference.
Master of Computer Management
Clean mgr- a good thing to tidy up.
Ciadv.msc-indexing service program
OSK- Open the on-screen keyboard.
Odbcad32-ODBC data source manager
Oobe/msoobe/a- check whether XP is activated.
Lusrmgr.msc-local users and groups
Logout-Logout command.
Iexpress-Trojan binding tool, the system comes with it.
Nslookup-IP address detector
Fsmgmt.msc-*** * Enjoy the Folder Manager
Utliman-Assistant Tool Manager
Gpedit.msc-group policy
Run the command book under xp.
Under the systemroot document and set user name directory.
Appwiz。 CPL- add and remove programs.
Control User Password 2-User Account Settings.
Cleanmgr-garbage disposal
Cmd-command prompt can be regarded as an attachment of Windows, and Ping and Convert, which are not available in graphic environment, can be used to complete them.
Cmd-jview to view the Java virtual machine version. calls the built-in NTVDM, a DOS virtual machine. It is completely a virtual environment similar to a virtual PC, and has little to do with the system itself. When we run a DOS program at the command prompt, we actually automatically transfer to the NTVDM virtual machine, which has nothing to do with CMD itself.
Calc- start the calculator.
Chkdsk.exe-Chkdsk disk check
Master of Computer Management
CONF- start a network conference.
Control user password S2- user account permission setting.
device manager
Diskmgmt.msc-disk management tool
DFRG。 Disk defragmenter
Drwtsn32-System Doctor
DVD play- start the media player.
Dxdiag-DirectX diagnostic tool
Gpedit.msc-Group Policy Editor
Gpupdate /target:computer /force forcibly refreshes the group policy.
Eventvwr.exe- Event Viewer
Browser-Opens the browser.
Logout-Logout command.
Lusrmgr.msc-local users and groups
Msinfo 32- system information
MSCONFIG- System Configuration Utility
Net start (service name)-Start the service.
Net stop-Stop the service.
Notepad-Open Notepad.
Nusrmgr。 CPL- Same as controlling the user password, open the user account control panel.
Nslookup-IP address detector
Oobe/msoobe/a- check whether XP is activated.
Perfmon.msc-computer performance monitoring program
project manager
Registry editor
Regedt32-Registry Editor
Regsvr32/u *。 Stop running the dll file.
Route Print-View the routing table.
Rononce-p- 15 seconds off.
Rsop.msc-group policy result set
Rundll32.exe rundll32.exe% systemroot% system32shimgvw.dll, imageview _ full screen- start a blank Windows picture and fax viewer.
Secpol。 MSC- local security policy
Services.msc-local service settings
Sfc /scannow-Starts the System File Checker.
Taskmgr-Task Manager (for 2000/XP/2003)
Tsshutdn-60-second countdown shutdown command
Winchat-XP comes with LAN chat.
Winmsd- system information
Winver-Displays the About Windows window.
wupdmgr - Windows Update
These orders are usually found online, please cherish them! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Everyone who has used a computer knows that there is a "Run" command in the "Start" menu of Win98. But, my friend, do you know how to use "run"? Don't think this little thing is useless, you won't know its convenience until you use it
1. Run \ "in the Run dialog box, and click OK to open the hard disk file directory where Win98 is located.
2. Run "…" to enter the folder where Win98 is located.
3. If you know which disk and directory a program is in, such as C: \ Windows \ a.exe. You can run "c:\windows\a" in the run dialog box, or you can run this program directly.
4. For example, if you know a website. Run ftp in the run dialog box. ",you can directly connect to the ftp server downloaded by China.
6. Run "TELNET" to start the remote login program.
7. Run "Welcome" and a welcome interface Win98 pop up.
8. Run "regedit" to open the registry editor.
9. Running "scanregw" will start the system registry checker attached to Win98.
10. Run "winipcfg" to check your IP address.
1 1. Run "winpopup" to send messages to other computers in the LAN (Win98 only).
12. Run "drwastson" to open Dr. Watson's program in Win98.
13. Run "tour98" and the teaching program of Win98 will appear.
14. Run "asd" and the system will automatically detect whether there is something wrong with the driver of your computer.
15. Run Favorites, and you can clean up the contents of Favorites.
16. Run "History" and you will see the records of the websites you visited recently.
17. If you don't want the program to run automatically when the system starts. Run "msconfig" in the dialog box and click "OK". Select "Start" in the system configuration program that appears, and remove the check mark in front of the corresponding program.
18. Run some configuration files that come with the system, such as "system.ini, control.ini" or some system folders. You can directly enter their file names to open them.
19. Run the window manager "taskman".
20. Run "msinfo32", system information
2 1. Run "winfile", the file manager.
22. use EM~ 1 to run "exit to ~1.pif" and "run tour ~1.pif". PIF ",restart and enter DOS, or shut down.
23. Run the disk defragmenter "defrag.exe".
24. run "calculate", calculator
25. run the Windows reporting tool "WinREP".
26. Run "rundll32.exeuser.exe, quit windows" and close it.
27. run "Exit to ~ 1" to enter the pure DOS state.
28. Run "winfile" and open the file manager.
29. Run "sysedit" and open the system configuration editor.
30. Run "progman" and open the program manager.
30. Run Control and open the control panel.
32. Run the command and enter the virtual DOS.
33. Run the program manager "progman".
34. Run "mspaint" and open the drawing program.
35. Run "winver" to check the current WINDOWS version.