& lthtml & gt& lt/html & gt; Declare to create an HTML file
& lthead & gt& lt/head & gt; Set the title of the document to communicate with other information that is not displayed on the web page.
& ltbody & gt& lt/body & gt; Set the visible part of the document.
& lttitle & gt& lt/title & gt; Put the title of the document in the title column.
& lth 1 & gt; & lt/h 1 & gt; Create the largest title
& lth6 & gt& lt/h6 & gt; Create the smallest theme
& ltb & gt& lt/b & gt; Create black characters
& lt I>& lt/I & gt;; Create tilted characters
& ltstrong & gt& lt/strong & gt; Add a word (usually italic and black)
& ltem & gt& lt/em & gt; Add a word (usually italic and black)
& lta href="URL " >& lt/a & gt; Create hyperlink
& lta href="mailto:EMAIL " >& lt/a & gt; Create a self-propelled link to send and send e-mail.
& lta name = " NAME " & gt& lt/a & gt; Create a target inside the document.
& lta href="#NAME " >& lt/a & gt; Create a link to a target located inside the document.
& ltp> Create new market segments
& ltbr & gt Insert a carriage return.
& ltdl & gt& lt/dl & gt; Create a clear list
& ltul & gt& lt/ul & gt; Create a list marked with circular dots.
& ltimg src="name">。 Add image
& lt form & gt& lt/form & gt;; Create all lists
A sample document (written in html5):
& lt! DOCTYPE html & gt
& lthtml & gt
& lthead & gt
& ltmeta charset=utf-8" />
The most important title of & lttitle & gt article _ website name
& lt/head & gt;
& ltbody & gt
& lt Listener & gt
& lth 1 & gt; The most important title of the article
& lt title & gt
& ltnav & gt navigation section
& ltsection & gt
& lt articles & gt
& lth2 & gt subtitle