For iOS devices, a device is a unique identifier. All instructions and description files point to the device. Basically, it can be understood that a device is a user, and a single user = = a single device, because our device is different from OSX, and we can create multiple users. This is the premise.
Single device! = single user, there may be multiple users in multiple devices, so we install the description file of checkin on the mac. When the device checkin reports the token, it will be reported, corresponding to the device token and the user's token respectively. User tokens are not supported for some of our instructions. Once issued, it will show that the instruction is limited. The error is as follows:
In the instruction of distributing app, the iOS system works normally, but for OS X, the description method of OS X document failed in practice, in which the document mentioned converting App format into pkg format. In the process of signing md5 value, the command recommended by the official document is:
However, we failed to handle the requirements of installing documents, and then inquired about other commands and installed Apple's own OS server to use the comparison file. Finally, we found a successful method, using the command:
Comparing the pkg packages processed by the two commands with the command productbuild instead of the command pkgbuild, wherein the installation package of productbuild,
Use the pkgbuild command to extract the results:
Three documents, namely
1. BOM file
2.PackageInfo file
3. Payload file
The specific function has not been analyzed.
Analyze the specific differences again, and try to decompress the pkg again. Decompression failed (unable to open the package for expansion://* * *. PKG), and then you can install it on the device.