Based on the information you provided, it may be caused by the Java security setting being too high or out of date. Here are some possible solutions:
Lower the Java security level: Open the Java Control Panel, select the Security tab, and reduce the security level to Medium or Low. Please note that this may increase the security risk to your computer. Therefore, it is recommended that you restore the Java security level to its original setting after completing the printing operation.
Add a website to the Java abnormal site list: Open the Java Control Panel, select the "Security" tab, click the "Edit Site List" button, and add the website that needs to be printed to the abnormal site list.
Update Java version: Make sure your Java version is the latest. You can download and install the latest Java version from the Java official website.
Disable the Java browser plug-in: If you do not need the Java browser plug-in, you can disable it in the Java Control Panel. This reduces computer security risks.
Uninstall and reinstall Java: If none of the above resolves the issue, try uninstalling and reinstalling Java. Before reinstalling Java, it is recommended to clean up the old Java installation files and configurations.
Please note that the above method may differ depending on your operating system and Java version. If the above method still does not solve the problem, please try to contact the software vendor or developer for technical support. They may be able to better understand the program's problems and provide solutions.