You can use netcat, the system tool of Linux.
Where -l stands for listen, the command line opens port 5000 for listening, and other machines can communicate with port 5000 of this machine.
Kalilinux Android usage
Install some necessary software.
This new file system is very simple. By default, it doesn't contain much software. The following are some recommended software packages for daily Kali users.
Screen-Screen is a terminal multiplexer that allows users to run and switch between multiple terminal sessions at the same time. This is one of the most important software packages when using UserLAnd. Android phone can't handle the extended SSH session well, and it is disconnected for no reason. This damage may cause the running command to fail and it is impossible to reconnect to the session to check the progress. Use Screen to maintain a persistent shell session.
Net-tools is a set of tools, including ifconfig, netstat, route and other useful network applications.
Netcat is a UNIX tool with rich functions, which aims to be a reliable tool for creating TCP and UDP connections. Netcat can be used to create and interact with simple macOS backdoors.
Neofetch-Neofetch (see the photo on the cover of this article) is a cross-platform system information collection tool. It can conveniently display system specifications and distribute logos. This package has no real function except showing it to colleagues and friends to distribute or make cover photos of WonderHowTo. It is a small mistake for Userofnd to release Neofetch, but you may want to know how I created the cover photo, so I include it here.
Gnupg-GnuPG (sometimes called gpg) is usually used to encrypt files and protect e-mail communication. Some installer scripts, such as Metasploit, use gpg to import their software signing keys. You can manually install Metasploit without gpg, but it will make the process less complicated.
Curl-cURL is a command-line tool that can download files through HTTP and other popular protocols. This is a useful tool for downloading files from the Internet.
Similar to cURL, Wget is a command-line tool for downloading files from the internet. Some developers prefer wget to cURL, so it is helpful to keep it installed and available.
Git-Git is a popular version control software, which is usually used to clone (download) GitHub projects. Gull is usually recommended by NullByte users.
Nano-Nano is a command-line text editor. Nano will edit files more easily through SSH. If Vim or Emacs are preferred, please download these text editors (or in addition to nano).
You can use the apt-get command to install the above software packages.