first part
0 0x0000 operation completed successfully.
The 1 0x000 1 function is incorrect.
2 0x0002 The system cannot find the specified file.
3 0x0003 The system cannot find the specified path.
4 0x0004 The system cannot open the file.
5 0x0005 Access denied.
6 0x0006 handle is invalid.
7 0x0007 The storage control block is corrupted.
8 0x0008 There is not enough storage space to process this command.
9 0x0009 The storage control block address is invalid.
10 0x000A environment is incorrect.
1 1 x000b tried to load a program with incorrect format.
The 12 0x000C access code is invalid.
13 0x000D data is invalid.
14 0x000E does not have enough storage space to complete this operation.
15 0x000F The system cannot find the specified drive.
16 0x00 10 cannot delete the directory.
17 0x00 1 1 The system cannot move files to different drives.
18 0x00 12 There are no more files.
19 0x00 13 media write protection.
20 0x00 14 system cannot find the specified device.
2 1 0x00 15 device is not ready.
22 0x00 16 device does not recognize this command.
23 0x00 17 data error (cyclic redundancy check).
24 0x00 18 program issued a command, but the command length was incorrect.
The 25 0x00 19 drive cannot find a specific area or track on the disk.
26 0x00 1A cannot access the specified disk or floppy disk.
27 0x00 1B drive cannot find the requested sector.
28 0x00 1C printer is out of paper.
29 0x00 1D system cannot write to the specified device.
30 0x00 1E system cannot read the specified device.
3 1 0x00 1F The equipment connected to the system does not work.
32 0x0020 Another program is using this file, and the process cannot access it.
33 0x002 1 Another program has locked a part of the file and the process cannot access it.
Error in floppy disk in 34 0x0022 drive. Insert %2 into (volume serial number: %3) drive% 1.
36 0x0024 Too many open files are used for * * * enjoyment.
38 0x0026 has reached the end of the file.
39 0x0027 Disk is full.
50 0x0032 The request is not supported.
5 1 0x0033 Windows cannot find the network path. Make sure that the network path is correct and that the target computer is not busy or turned off. If Windows still can't find the network path, please contact the network administrator.
52 0x0034 is not connected because there are duplicate names on the network. Please go to System in Control Panel to change the computer name and try again.
53 0x0035 The network path cannot be found.
54 0x0036 The network is busy.
55 0x0037 The specified network resource or device is no longer available.
56 0x0038 The network BIOS command limit has been reached.
57 0x0039 Network adapter hardware error.
The server specified by 58 0x003A cannot run the requested operation.
59 0x003B has an unexpected network error.
The 60 0x003C remote adapter is not compatible.
6 1 0x003D printer queue is full.
There is no space on the 62 0x003E server to store files waiting to be printed.
63 0x003F deleted the file waiting to be printed.
64 0x0040 The specified network name is no longer available.
65 0x004 1 Network access denied.
66 0x0042 The network resource type is wrong.
67 0x0043 The network name cannot be found.
68 0x0044 exceeds the name limit of the local computer network adapter card.
69 0x0045 exceeds the network BIOS session limit.
70 0x0046 The remote server is paused or starting.
7 1 0x0047 has reached the maximum number of computer connections, and it is no longer possible to connect with this remote computer.
72 0x0048 The specified printer or disk device has been suspended.
80 0x0050 file exists.
82 0x0052 Unable to create directory or file.
Fault on 83 0x0053 INT 24.
84 0x0054 Unable to obtain storage space to process this request.
85 0x0055 The local device name has already been used.
86 0x0056 The specified network password is incorrect.
87 0x0057 parameter is incorrect.
88 0x0058 A write error occurred on the network.
89 0x0059 The system cannot start another process at this time.
100 0x0064 failed to create another system beacon.
Another process has an exclusive semaphore.
102 0x0066 The signal lamp has been set and cannot be turned off.
103 0x0067 No more signal lights can be set.
104 0x0068 Unable to request an interrupted exclusive semaphore.
105 0x0069 The previous ownership of this signal lamp has ended.
106 0x006A Insert the floppy disk into drive% 1.
107 0x006B The program stopped because another floppy disk was not inserted.
108 0x006C disk is in use or locked by another process.
109 0x006D pipeline has ended.
1 10 0x006E The system cannot open the specified device or file.
1 1 1 0x006F file name is too long.
1 12 0x0070 Insufficient disk space.
1 13 0x007 1 There are no more internal file identifiers.
1 14 0x0072 The target internal file identifier is incorrect.
1 17 0x0075 The IOCTL call issued by the application is incorrect.
1 18 0x0076 Verify that the written switch parameter value is incorrect.
1 19 0x0077 The requested command is not supported by the system.
120 0x0078 This function is not supported in this system.
12 1 0x0079 signal lamp timeout has passed.
122 0x007A The data area passed to the system call is too small.
123 0x007B The file name, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect.
124 0x007C system call level is incorrect.
125 0x007D disk has no volume label.
126 0x007E cannot find the specified module.
127 0x007F cannot find the specified program.
128 0x0080 has no waiting subprocess.
129 0x0081%1The application cannot run in Win32 mode.
130 0x0082 attempted to operate with the file handle of the opened disk partition instead of the original disk I/O. ..
13 1 0x0083 attempted to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file.
132 0x0084 Unable to set the file pointer on the specified device or file.
133 0x0085 Drives containing previously added drives cannot use JOIN or SUBST commands.
134 0x0086 attempted to use the JOIN or SUBST command on the merged drive.
135 0x0087 attempted to use the JOIN or SUBST command on the merged drive.
136 0x0088 The system tried to join an unmerged drive.
137 0x0089 The system tried to remove an irreplaceable drive.
138 0x008A The system tried to merge the drive into a directory on the merged drive.
139 0x008B The system tried to replace the drive with the directory on the replacement drive.
140 0x008C The system tried to merge the drive into a directory on the spare drive.
14 1 x008d The system tried to replace this drive with a directory on the merged drive.
142 0x008E system cannot run JOIN or SUBST at this time.
143 0x008F The system cannot merge or replace a drive with a directory on the same drive.
The 144 0x0090 directory is not a subdirectory under the root directory.
145 0x009 1 directory is not empty.
The path specified by 146 0x0092 has already been used for replacement.
147 0x0093 Insufficient resources to process this command.
The path specified by 148 0x0094 cannot be used at this time.
149 0x0095 attempted to merge or replace this drive with a drive whose directory was the target of the last replacement.
150 0x0096 System trace information is not specified in the configuration. Or tracking is not allowed.
15 1 0x0097 The number of semaphore events specified for DosMuxSemWait is incorrect.
152 0x0098 DosMuxSemWait is not running; There are too many signal lights.
153 0x0099 DosMuxSemWait list is incorrect.
154 0x009A The volume label entered exceeds the character length limit of the target file system.
155 0x009B cannot create another thread.
156 0x009C The receiver process rejected the signal.
157 0x009D segment has been abandoned and cannot be locked.
158 0x009E segment has been unlocked.
The address of thread ID 159 0x 009 f is incorrect.
At least one parameter in 160 0x00A0 is incorrect.
The path specified by 16 1 0x00A 1 is invalid.
162 0x00A2 signal has been suspended.
164 0x00A4 cannot create more threads in the system.
167 0x00A7 cannot lock the file area.
The requested resource is in use.
The request of 173 0x 0ad to provide the lock cancellation area has been completed.
174 0x00AE file system does not support the minimum unit change of lock type.
180 0x00B4 The system detected the wrong segment number.
The operating system of 182 0x00B6 cannot run% 1.
183 0x00B7 cannot create the existing file.
The flag passed by 186 0x00BA is incorrect.
187 0x00BB cannot find the specified system signal name.
The operating system of1880bc cannot run% 1.
189 0x00BD operating system cannot run% 1.
190 0x00BE operating system cannot run% 1.
19 1 0x00BF cannot run in Win32 mode% 1.
The operating system of 192 0x00C0 cannot run% 1.
193 0x00c1%1is not a valid Win32 application.
The operating system of 194 0x00C2 cannot run% 1.
The operating system of 195 0x00C3 cannot run% 1.
196 0x00C4 operating system cannot run this application.
The current configuration of 197 0x00C5 operating system cannot run this application.
The operating system of 198 0x00C6 cannot run% 1.
199 0x00C7 operating system cannot run this application.
200 0x00C8 code segment cannot be greater than or equal to 64K.
20 1 0x00C9 operating system cannot run% 1.
The 202 0x00CA operating system cannot run% 1.
The 203 0x00CB operating system cannot find the entered environment option.
The process in the 205 0x00CD command subtree has no signal handler.
206 0x00CE file name or extension is too long.
207 0x00CF Ring 2 stack has been occupied.
208 0x00D0 file name wildcard * or? Or too many file name wildcards are specified.
209 0x00D 1 is sending an incorrect signal.
2 10 x00d 2 cannot set the signal processor.
2 12 0x00D4 segment is locked and cannot be reallocated.
2 14 0x00D6 There are too many dynamic link modules connected to this program or dynamic link module.
2 15 0x00D7 cannot call nested LoadModule.
2 16 0x00D8 image file% 1 is valid, but it is not applicable to this computer type.
2 17 0x00D9 image file% 1 has been signed and cannot be modified.
2 18 0x00DA image file% 1 is strongly signed and cannot be modified.
230 0x00E6 pipeline status is invalid.
23 1 0x00E7 All pipeline samples are in use.
232 0x00E8 pipeline is closing.
There is no process at the other end of the 233 0x00E9 pipeline.
234 0x00EA has more data available.
240 0x00F0 session cancelled.
254 0x00FE The extended attribute name specified is invalid.
255 0x00FF extension attributes are inconsistent.
258 0x0 102 wait operation is obsolete.
259 0x0 103 No data.
266 0x0 10A cannot use the copy function.
267 0x0 10B directory name is invalid.
275 0x005438+0 13 extended attribute does not apply to buffer.
The extended properties file installed on the 276 0x005438+0 14 file system is corrupted.
277 0x005438+0 15 extended property sheet file is full.
278 0x005438+0 16 The specified extended attribute handle is invalid.
282 0x005438+0 1A mounted file system does not support extended attributes.
288 0x0 120 tries to release the running program of multi-user terminal that does not belong to the calling party.
298 0x0 12A has too many requests for traffic lights.
299 0x0 12B only partially completed the request of ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory.
300 0x0 12C operation lock request was rejected.
30 1 0x00 12D system received an invalid operation lock confirmation.
302 0x0 12E This volume is too fragmented to complete this operation.
303 0x0 12F cannot open this file because it is being deleted.
304 0x0 130 Clear the maintenance mode of resource "%1"
305 0x005438+03 1 (Maintenance)
306 0x00132'%1'is not a valid value for this option.
3 17 0x00 13d system cannot find the message text of %2 with message number 0x% 1 in the message file.
3 18 0x00 13e did not find the specified range.
487 0x0 1E7 attempted to access an invalid address.
The arithmetic result of 534 0x02 16 exceeds 32 bits.
There is a process at the other end of the 535 0x02 17 pipeline.
536 0x02 18 is waiting to open the process at the other end of the pipeline.
802 0x0322 Certificate Services template:% 1 v%2 (schema V%3) %4 %5 Domain controller: %6 Template content: %7 Security descriptor: %8
803 0x0323 Updated certificate service template:% 1 v%2 (schema V%3) %4 %5 Domain controller: %6 Old template content: %8 New template content: %7
804 0x0324 Certificate service template for security update:% 1 v%2 (architecture V%3) %4 %5 Domain controller: %6 Old template content: %9 Old security descriptor:% 10 New template content: %7 New security descriptor: %8
806 0x0326 The connection between your computer and the VPN server has been re-established, but the VPN connection cannot be completed. The most common reason for this problem is that at least one Internet device (such as a firewall or router) between your computer and the VPN server is not configured to allow General Routing Encapsulation (GRE) protocol packets. Please check whether all personal firewall devices or routers allow Protocol 47 (GRE). If the problem persists, contact your network administrator or Internet service provider (ISP) to determine which devices may block these packages.
864 0x0360 IPSec inbound packet integrity check failed: packet source:% 1 inbound SA: %2 number of packets: %3 packets received from security association failed data integrity check. This may be a temporary fault; If it persists, it may indicate that the network state is unstable or the packet was modified during transmission.
865 0x036 1 IPSec inbound packet replay check failed: packet source:% 1 inbound SA: %2 number of packets: %3 The packet received from the security association contains the serial number of the packet processed by the system. This may be a temporary fault; If the problem persists, it may indicate that the system is under replay attack.
866 0x0362 IPSec inbound packet replay detection failed. The sequence number of the inbound packet is too small to ensure that it is not a replay: packet source:% 1 inbound SA: %2 number of packets: %3.
867 0x0363 IPSec received an inbound plaintext packet that should be encrypted: packet source:% 1 inbound SA: %2 number of packets: %3.
994 0x03E2 denied access to extended properties.
995 0x03E3 I/O operation has been abandoned due to thread exit or application request.
996 0x03E4 overlapping I/O event is not in signal state.
997 0x03E5 overlapping I/O operation is in progress.
998 0x03E6 Memory location access is invalid.
999 0x03E7 An error occurred while performing an in-page operation.
1000 0x03E8 is processing [% 1! ws! ] specific media events
100 1 0x03E9 recursion is too deep; Stack overflow.
The 1002 0x03EA window cannot process the sent message.
1003 0x03EB cannot complete this function.
1004 0x03EC invalid flag.
1005 0x03ED This volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please ensure that all requested file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not damaged.
The volume of 1006 0x03EE file has been changed externally, so the opened file is no longer valid.
1007 0x03EF cannot run the requested operation in full screen mode.
1008 0x03F0 attempted to reference a token that does not exist.
1009 0x03F 1 The configuration registry database is corrupted.
The1010x03f2 configuration registry key is invalid.
10110x03f3 failed to open the configuration registry key.
10 12 0x03F4 could not read the configuration registry key.
10 13 0x03F5 failed to write the configuration registry key.
10 14 0x03F6 files in the registry database must be recovered by recording or alternative copying. Recovery completed successfully.
10 15 0x03F7 registry is corrupted. The file structure containing registry data is damaged, or the file memory image of the system is damaged, or the file cannot be recovered due to the loss or damage of the substitute copy and log.
10 16 The 0x03F8 I/O operation initiated by the registry failed and could not be recovered. The registry cannot read in, write out, or clear any files that contain registry system images.
10 17 0x03F9 The system tried to load or restore the file to the registry, but the specified file is not in the registry file format.
10 18 0x03FA attempted to perform an illegal operation on a registry key marked for deletion.
10 19 0x03FB system could not allocate the required space in the registry log.
1020 0x03FC cannot create symbolic links in registry keys with existing subkeys or values.
102 1 0x03FD cannot create a stable subitem under a volatile parent.
1022 0x03FE is completing the notification change request, and the information is not returned to the caller's buffer. The current caller must enumerate files to find changes.
105 1 x04 1b The stop control is sent to the service on which other running services depend.
The control requested by 1052 0x04 1C is invalid for this service.
1053 0x00 1d service did not respond to the startup or control request in time.
1054 0x04 1E could not create a thread for this service.
1055 0x00 1f service database is locked.
An example of the1056 0x00420 service is already running.
1057 0x002 1 The account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the specified account name.
1058 0x00422 The service cannot be started, possibly because it has been disabled or its related devices have not been started.
1059x0423 specifies a circular service dependency.
The service specified by1060 0x00424 is not installed.
106 1 x0425 service cannot accept control information at this time.
1062 0x0426 service is not started.
1063 0x00427 The service process could not connect to the service controller.
1064 0x0428 An exception occurred in the service when processing the control request.
The database specified by1065 0x00429 does not exist.
The 1066 0x042A service returned a specific service error code.
The 1067 0x042B process terminated unexpectedly.
1068 0x042C The related service or group could not be started.
1069x042d failed to start the service due to login failure.
After 1070 0x042E was started, the service was in startup pause state.
The service database lock specified by 107 1 x042f is invalid.
The service specified by1072 0x00430 has been marked for deletion.
The service specified by 1073 0x043 1 already exists.
1074 0x00432 The system is currently running under the last known configuration.
10750x 0433 The related service does not exist or has been marked for deletion.
1076 0x00434 Accept the current startup as the last correct control setting.
1077 0x00435 After the last startup, there is still no attempt to start the service.
The name 1078 0x0436 has already been used as a service name or a service display name.
1079 0x00437 The account of this service is different from that of other services running on the same process.
1080 0x0438 The failed operation can only be set for Win32 service, not for driver.
108 1 x0439 This service runs the same process as the service control manager. Therefore, if the service handler stops unexpectedly, the service control manager will not be able to perform any operations.
1082 0x043A The recovery program has not been set for this service.
1083 0x0043b This service configured to run in this executable program cannot execute this service.
1084 0x043C failed to start the service in safe mode.
the second part
When running some programs, sometimes there will be a memory error prompt, and then the program will close.
0x instruction refers to 0x memory. The memory cannot be read.
0x memory referenced by 0x instruction cannot be "written".
Generally speaking, this phenomenon has many aspects. First, there is something wrong with the hardware, that is, the memory; second, there are many problems with the software.
Fault analysis
Generally speaking, memory problems are unlikely. The main aspects are: the memory stick is broken, the memory quality is problematic, and there are two different brands of memory with different capacities, which is also prone to incompatibility. At the same time, we must pay attention to heat dissipation, especially after overclocking. You can use the software MemTest to check the memory, and you can thoroughly check the stability of the memory.
If it is dual memory, and different brands of memory chips are mixed or second-hand memory is bought, this problem will occur. At this time, it is necessary to check whether there is a memory problem or it is incompatible with other hardware.
Let's talk briefly about the principle first: there is a place in memory called buffer for storing data. If the program puts the data in one place, it will overflow because of insufficient space. For example, a bucket can only hold one catty of water, and when you put in two jins, the water will overflow. The system is displayed on the screen. This problem often appears in windows2000 and XP systems. Windows 2000/XP has very strict requirements on hardware. In the case of deadlock, overflow or illegal operation of resources similar to Windows 98, the above situation will occur in order to keep the system stable. In addition, it may also be caused by poor compatibility between hardware devices.
A few examples (I think these examples are very good, at least guiding me in a direction, because there are many reasons for application errors ~)
Example 1: Open IE browser or "0x00000000" memory referenced by "0x70dcf39f" instruction will appear in a few minutes. The memory cannot be read. To terminate the program, click OK. After clicking OK, the message box "An internal error has occurred and a window you are using will be closed soon" will appear. After closing this prompt message, IE browser is also closed.
Solution: Repair or upgrade IE browser and patch it at the same time. I see that there is a repair method that Win2000 is self-upgrading, that is, Win2000 is upgraded to Win2000. In fact, this method is to restore the system to the initial state. For example, if your IE is upgraded to 6.0, it will be changed to IE 5.0/ Tencent Browser/
Example 2: Double-click the "AutoRun.exe" file in the CD-ROM under windows xp to display the "0x00000078" memory referenced by the "0x77f745cc" instruction. Memory cannot be "written". To terminate the program, click OK, but it works normally in Windows 98.
Solution: This may be a compatibility problem of the system. For winXP system, right-click the AutoRun.exe file, properties and compatibility, and select "Run this program in compatibility mode" and "Windows 98/Me". Win2000, if the SP is patched, just start running, and enter: regsvr32c: \ winnt \ apppatch \ Slayer ui.dll. Right-click and the properties and compatibility options will also appear.
Example 3: An error occurred when closing RealOne Gold. It used to be normal, but recently the "0xffffffff" memory referenced by the "0xffffffff" instruction appears every time it is closed. This kind of memory can't be a hint of "read".
Solution: When the input method used is Microsoft Pinyin Input Method 2003 and the language bar is hidden (no problem when it is not hidden), this problem will occur when RealOne is closed, so you can display the language bar before closing RealOne or use any other input method as the current input method to solve this problem.
Ex. 4: My hero, Super Jieba, has been unable to play since he got online. Every time you are prompted that the "Oxff0000 1 1" memory referenced by the "Ox060692f6" command cannot be "read", press OK to terminate the program.
Solution: Try to reinstall Hero Super Jieba. If it is reinstalled, you can try to download the corresponding version of the patch from official website. Not yet, so I have to try another player.
Example 5: Double-click the shortcut of the game. The "Ox77f5cdO" instruction refers to the "Oxffffffff" memory, which cannot be read, indicating that the Client.dat program is wrong.
Solution: Reinstall the latest driver of graphics card, and then download and install DirectX9.0.
Example 6: My friend sent me a message, and my computer got an error message: the "0*00303033" memory referenced by the "0*772b548f" command could not be "written", and then QQ automatically went offline, and then I opened QQ and found more than a dozen messages sent by him.
Solution: This is that the other party uses a BUG in QQ to send a special code and makes an error in QQ. Just patch or upgrade to the latest version, and you'll be fine.
Example 7: The XP system used in my laptop sometimes pops up when the webpage is closed. When tbrowser.exe encounters a problem and needs to be shut down, the memory 0x03e7c738 referenced by instruction 0x03e7c738 pops up and cannot be read. What happened?
Solution: Antivirus first. If you have installed software such as browsing enhancement, please uninstall it.
Example 8: When you open any program from the desktop or the Start menu, an error message will appear: "0x00000000" memory is referenced by "0x ..." The instruction cannot be "read". The ellipsis represents a variable value. And it's okay to open the program from running.
Solution: Run regedit to enter the registry, under HKEY _ local _ machine \ software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current version \ Explorer \ Shell ee execute hooks, There should be only one normal key value "{aeb6717e-7e19-1d0-97ee-00c04fd91972}", and all others should be deleted (of course, the default key value should not be deleted.
Exodus I bought a machine three months ago. The system is unstable. The system has been reinstalled many times in three months, and it was just installed four or five days ago, but random Explorer- application errors often occur. "0x4a0 1259d" instruction refers to "0x00000000" memory. The memory cannot be read. To terminate the program, click OK. To debug the program, click Cancel. If you click OK, the windows desktop will disappear. This problem has also occurred in previous systems. I wonder if it's a hardware problem.
Solution: Memory compatibility problem! If this problem occurs, the user can turn on the machine and adjust the location of the memory to see if the problem can be solved. If the problem still exists, they can exchange memories with your friends.
From the above example, we can see that there are many reasons for failure. The reasons that have been mentioned and may appear are listed below for your reference.
Cause of the problem-solution
The memory stick is broken-replace it.
Dual memory incompatibility-use the same brand of memory or only use one memory.
Memory Quality Problem-Replace Memory Module
Heat dissipation problem-strengthening heat dissipation inside the chassis
Memory and motherboard are not inserted correctly or are incompatible with other hardware. -Reinsert the memory or replace it.
There is something wrong with the hard disk-replace the hard disk
Drive problem-reload the drive. If it is a new system, the motherboard driver should be installed first.
Software corruption-Reinstall the software
The software is defective, fix it or use the latest version.
Software and system are incompatible-patch the software or try the compatibility mode of the system.
Software and software are in conflict-if there is any new software installed recently, try uninstalling it.
There is a problem with using other related software-reinstall the related software. For example, there is an error when playing a file in a certain format, which may be a problem with the decoder of this file.
Virus problem-anti-virus
Anti-virus software conflicts with the system or software-because anti-virus software enters the underlying monitoring system, it may conflict with some software, so try to uninstall it.
There is something wrong with the system itself-sometimes the operating system itself has bugs, so pay attention to installing official upgrade programs, such as SP patches, and it is best to install them. If not, please reinstall the system or replace it with another version.