Use color mixing of adjacent tones: This is the most commonly used color mixing technique, that is, mixing colors of adjacent tones can make colors softer and more natural.
White or black: white can make the color brighter, and black can make the color darker.
Use neutral gray: Neutral gray is a mixture of black, white and gray, which can make the color softer and can also be used to adjust the brightness and saturation of the color.
Use complementary colors: Complementary colors refer to two colors in relative positions on the color wheel, such as red and green, yellow and purple, blue and orange. The mixture of complementary colors can produce a strong contrast effect, and at the same time, it can adjust the brightness and saturation of colors.
Practice often: The most important color matching skill is to try and practice constantly. Through continuous trial and practice, you will gradually become familiar with the characteristics and mixing rules of pigments, and you will gradually master the color matching skills that suit you.