Winver: Check the Windows version.
Wmimgmt.msc: Open windows Management Architecture (WMI).
Wupdmgr:windows updater.
Wscript:windows script host settings.
Write: Wordpad.
Winmsd: system information.
Wiaacmgr: Scanner and Camera Wizard.
Winchat: XP comes with LAN chat.
Displays memory usage.
Msconfig.exe: System Configuration Tool.
Mplayer2: Simple widnows Media Player.
Mspaint: Sketchpad.
Mstsc: Remote Desktop Connection.
Media player.
Magnifier: Magnifier tool.
Open the console.
Synchronization command.
Tsshutdn: 60 seconds countdown shutdown command.
Tutorial begins: xp introduction (roaming XP program that appears after installation).
Taskmgr: Task Manager.
Eventvwr: Event Viewer.
Eudcedit: a word-making program.
Browser: Open the browser.
Packer: Object wrapper.
Perfmon.msc: computer performance monitoring program.
Programmer: Project Manager.
Rsop.msc: group policy result set.
Regedt32: Registry Editor.
Rononce-p: 15 seconds off.
Regsvr32 /u *。 Dll: stop running dll files.
Regsvr32/u zipfldr.dll: Cancel ZIP support.
Cmd.exe: cmd command prompt
Chkdsk.exe: chkdsk disk check.
Certmgr.msc: certificate management utility.
Calc: start the calculator.
Charmap: Start the character mapping table.
Cliconfg:SQL SERVER client network utility.
Clipboard viewer.
Conference: Start a network conference.
Computer management.
Osk: Open the on-screen keyboard.
Fsmgmt.msc:*** Enjoy the folder manager.
Utilman: Accessibility Manager.
Gpedit.msc: group policy.
All the above commands can be entered at the command prompt.
Extended data:
Stop the messenger: Stop the messenger service.
Net start messenger: start the messenger service.
Notepad: Open Notepad.
Nslookup: Network Management Tools Wizard.
Ntbackup: system backup and restore.
Narrator: Screen "Narrator"
Ntmsmgr.msc: mobile storage manager.
Ntmsoprq.msc: Mobile storage administrator operation request.
Netstat-an: (tc) command checks the interface.