Authorization from a legal person is required
The company belongs to the owner, and the financial officer is just an employee employed by the company. All the work of the employees is controlled and led by the owner. .
Especially in the use of company funds, the consent of the actual controller of the company is definitely required before it can be carried out.
This authorization method is generally reflected in the form of payment of U-shield or the seal of the legal representative.
Authorization is the key to the operation of an organization. It is based on people and grants subordinates the necessary authority to complete a certain task. That is, the supervisor transfers the decision-making power of employing people, using money, doing things, negotiating, and coordinating to his subordinates. He only delegates authority and cannot delegate the necessary responsibilities for completing the work. This is the absolute principle of delegation. Different levels in an organization have different authorities, and authority flows between different levels, thus creating authorization issues. Delegation is one of the important tasks of managers. Effective delegation is an important management skill. If properly authorized, all participants can benefit.
Empowerment is the process by which leaders achieve organizational goals by providing employees and subordinates with more autonomy. Authorization is an expansion and extension of the leader's wisdom and ability. It must follow objective laws and principles. The authorization process is a scientific and artistic process.
Authorization has four characteristics: First, its essence is the process of delegating decision-making power from superiors to subordinates, and it is also the process of redistribution of responsibilities. Secondly, authorization must ensure the smooth sharing of information and knowledge between the authorizer and the authorized person, ensure the equality of authority, and ensure that the authorized person receives necessary technical training. Third, authorization is also a kind of culture. Fourth, authorization changes dynamically.
Authorization Generally speaking, after the cardholder swipes the card at a special store, the store will send the cardholder's credit card data to its acquiring bank through the card swipe machine to confirm whether the transaction is acceptable. If accepted, the acquiring bank will then inquire with the cardholder's issuing bank through the authorization system. After checking that the card number and credit limit are OK, the issuing bank will return an "authorization code" indicating agreement to the acquiring bank, which will be recorded on the bill. superior. Afterwards, the store can request payment from the acquiring bank with a receipt containing signature, card number and authorization from the issuing bank. Some stores that do not have electronic card swiping machines will use manual methods to call the acquiring bank, verbally provide the card number and other information, and then obtain authorization. It means that superiors delegate their powers to subordinates so that subordinates have considerable autonomy and action rights.