Wps network signature has legal liability risk. Signature marks the recognition of the contents of the signature by all parties, and the corresponding legal rights, obligations and responsibilities are often associated behind it. The above letter security risks faced by electronic signature itself will seriously affect the performance of legal responsibilities. If the parties deny the electronic signature, or question that the contents and terms of the electronic contract have been tampered with, it is impossible to prove the true identity of the signer and whether the contents of the contract have been changed due to technical reasons, and the legitimate rights and interests of the parties may face huge losses.
Advantages of wps online signature
Using electronic signature can save the loss of paper, equipment and all kinds of consumables to the greatest extent, and reduce a lot of contract mailing costs and labor expenses. Paperless office conforms to the concept of low-carbon environmental protection put forward by the current country, which reduces the generation and emission of pollutants. The signing parties use electronic signatures, which can save the offline running or mailing links, and complete the contract signing directly through network equipment, which is efficient and convenient. After signing the contract, the platform is archived and stored as electronic data.